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  1. T I'm in NM. Was just told it's on NHL network. This sucks-I've already used all my free trials
  2. I can't find this game on ESPN +. Any information would be appreciated
  3. I had a professor give me that same advice after watching me speak in front of a classroom full of students. Had no idea I said that so much
  4. My picure is fuzzy but audio seems fine. I use ESPN +
  5. We have prospects who develop into good players, but by the time they reach free agency we still suck but have to trade them away because the team isn't where it should be. We always have assets to develop but we seem to be stuck in limbo. What are good teams that evolve doing that we aren't? I'm really confused as to why we can't do what other good teams seem to be able to do in a few years that we can't do in sooo many
  6. Was that the same as the Pink Flamingo?
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I've caught a few games on Hulu, but living on the other side of the country I lose track of the season.
  8. I didn't realize he was from Ogdensburg.
  9. The oilers feed is working
  10. Can someone try doing this in the style of Oswald Bates?
  11. Agreed, but how often do coaches challenge it? Is it common, or do they not always think of doing it? Be interesting to see stats on this
  12. He's still a young defenseman, but I do think he needs to work on his slapshot.
  13. Sorry, I meant what Sabre was hit. Thanks
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