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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Today’s forecast from Buffalo NWS does call for a lake breeze line to set up south of the two lakes, so yes this is what you are seeing on that radar image.
  2. Moderation is not allowed in this discussion.
  3. I’m sure we’d see fresh, new kids in those roster spots if they become available.
  4. I’ve been beating that drum since Jack was drafted. It’s the only form of team building they haven’t tried yet. Hmmm……
  5. The worst curse we can offer the Leafs is something we desperately beg our team to deliver. Real point and laugh stuff there, init?
  6. Weave

    Team make up

    Ok, 2 in the “reader” column, lol.
  7. Weave

    Team make up

    Noone seems to be answering the basic question Inky asked. Even after a clarification. Reading comprehension are hard.
  8. Compared to what we have now? ***** yeah. I mean, the choices are: Won a round in the playoffs last year, and missed this year vs. doesn’t have a single player that saw a playoff game as a Sabre and will Miss again this year. No. *****. Brainer.
  9. If its not a big deal why do you keep responding to people that disagree with you?
  10. Indiana just passed a law that was made retroactive to 1999, so yes, in some areas you can make a law that is retroactive.
  11. Weave

    Team make up

  12. Weave

    Team make up

    I think I get what Inkman is asking. If you knew your team was going to play .500 hockey and miss the playoffs, would you be more entertained watching a frustratingly streaky offense dominant team like what we have now, or a Ted Nolan type team with a bunch of rabble rousers. You have to admit, those rabble rousers were entertaining most of the games they played. This version? Ehhh not as often. Loved me some rabble rouser Sabres. Highly entertaining nearly every night. Even with the current climate regarding fighting, a team of rats could still bring alot of fans into the arena just for the scrums and emotional play. In the end, I don’t care. I’m a broken fan. Terry has alot of work to do to get me back to what I was.
  13. Coming off a win. At home. A little pressure back on. I don’t like the odds at all.
  14. We’ve lost Inky. Terry Pegula, you owe us a new Inky!
  15. The rest is you reading something that he didn’t say. It’s speculation.
  16. 39 yrs at $160k income? *golf clap*
  17. Ullmark told the world why he signed with Boston. Unless you think he was being deceitful, we know exactly why. He left because after his father’s death he felt the need to change things in his life, including the team he played for.
  18. The Hawks didn’t tank.
  19. Lol 1.1% Rolling!
  20. Perhaps? It was Darcy’s own words in a press conference. I don’t see how it can be questioned at all. There can be no doubt that it was the owner that chose to liquidate and tank after the Leino and Ehrhoff signings failed. And we also know it was the owner that chose to sign those two particular FAs in an attempt to have a flashy retool. Darcy was doing as the new owner instructed.
  21. “The owner will determine the extent of the rebuild “ is, I believe, an exact quote. Darcy laid out options. The owner chose the strategy.
  22. Huh. Never knew that.
  23. I turned her down. #marriedlife
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