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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Spent both mornings this weekend fishing out of my kayak in one of the western Finger Lakes. Had great mornings both days catching fish. I’ve got 3 meal bags of fillets in the freezer. And sore, tired shoulders from the paddling. But it was awesome. Light breeze, sunny skies, calm seas, and willing fish. If our cards play out correctly, next year we may be moving to one of those lakes for year round residence.
  2. So, do all this food trucks and breweries and shyt have pictures of the food on their menus?
  3. They get taxed in the state they play, no? So any advantage is half an advantage, home games. Not insignificant.
  4. The penalties are harsh. 7+ years wandering in the desert proclaiming manna will fall from the heavens.
  5. Mostly the same for me. I’m still in show me first mode.
  6. I'm curious as to why you think I am in the minority, ie. what feedback do you have that indicates something else? And I'm curious as to what sort of character flaw you are referring to.
  7. How could there not be collusion here?
  8. How can any of us laugh at Cleveland given what has been on display in Orchard Park over the last decade plus?
  9. That's over the line. You need a time out.
  10. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-real-problem-the-militarization-of-the-nfl/
  11. Was hoping to be more impressed by Guhle, Pilut, and Nylander. None of those three looked to me like they belonged at the next level like Casey, Tage, and Rasmus did. Casey looked like a good center prospect, but his line was 3 guys playing by themselves. That can't happen once the regular season begins.
  12. The more is see of Tage Thompson today, the more his game reminds me of Evander Kane's game.
  13. How does Boston mine system players so consistently? They look like they have been together for several seasons. Thompson looks fantastic, but he's been on the ice for each of Boston's goals.
  14. Closer to Buffalo than you. And there it is! Victory!
  15. Huh. And I'm in market. WTF?
  16. I'm trying the Sabres.com feed but it's a blank screen for me at the moment. Hoping it just hasn't started yet. My usuals for hockey feeds haven't started yet.
  17. I think if Eichel put up McDavid numbers there is no way he would have signed for less than McDavid dollars. His contract is not the result of any team first mindset. It’s the result of the numbers he put up.
  18. Circling back around to this. My point was either not seen or ignored. I'll assume I didn't communicate it well enough. I'll try to expand without the aggressive tone. The religion comparison was a metaphor, and by definition not to be a literal comparison. I'm trying to get you to see that the folks that are uncomfortable with these ceremonies are uncomfortable because they don't see them as sincere. We see them as Wizard of Oz trickery. I don't think that these ceremonies are about honoring vets at all, except in the most superficial manner. It is a very well coordinated PR campaign, and nothing more IMO. The DOD has chosen to use these ceremonies, and use the vets as pawns, to distract the country from the waste of life and dollars that is occurring with our overseas military actions. Keep the people focused on the individuals returning and they are less likely to be outspoken of the continuing military action as whole. Your reaction here is exactly the reaction that these things are designed to inspire. Make it about the vets because noone will want to disrespect the vets. You guys were pawns when you served, and you are still being used as pawns today. Again, my opinion. It's been interesting to watch the whole thing play out over the last 18 years or so. What started out as a sincere, organic, public driven reaction to guys coming home from the first Gulf War, where the population as a whole wanted to make sure that returning vets weren't treated like they were after Vietnam, has turned into an orchestrated, government funded PR campaign designed to continue recruitment and keep the focus off the waste of lives and dollars. If anything, our discomfort is based on character. We think you (collective you, the honored vets) are being used in a game to deceive us all. And don't accept the deception.
  19. With every post you make my point for me.
  20. To my recollection it’s a pattern.
  21. Try looking at it from another viewpoint. Noone is uncomfortable with a service man being honored. The discomfort is from the coerced patriotism. It's like a devout Christian being felt pressured to participate in a pagan ritual because someone is being honored. The discomfort isn't with the honor, it's with the effort of being a part of something you genuinely feel is fake. I find it mildly entertaining that everything you don't understand gets labeled as somehow less manly, whateverthehell that is.
  22. I feel the same way about the folks that get ruffled up at the anthem protestors.
  23. It's poor form to post those links on open forums. That is one of the ways they get found out and shut down. PM those if you want them to remain live.
  24. Norman Lacombe
  25. Insert Alan Iverson youtube clip here....
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