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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I do too. The best skater I knew growing up had a stride not unlike Dahlin's (in that picture anyway). Granted, he wasn't NHL elite in his skating, but he was the best skater I ever played with and against and when I see that picture of Dahlin it's the the first thing I think of. That stride is all power.
  2. What a great morning. Took an impromptu vacation day and headed out to a nearby lake. There is nothing quite as relaxing as early morning on a quiet lake. And I was in my kayak so even I wasn't disturbing the peace. The cottagers are gone for the week. The boaters are few. The loons were calling. Geese were flying in formation overhead. A bald eagle graced me with his presence and fished with me for awhile. Nirvana. And I stumbled upon some big schools of crappies. Holy cow, I haven't caught crappies like that since my teen years when Dad and I would fish the Chautauqua Lake canals for crappies after ice out.
  3. The day after his wife disappeared in a kayaking accident, a Claddaghduff, Ireland man answered his door to find a grim-faced Constable & his lieutenant waiting in the front yard. "We're sorry, Mr. O'Flynn, but we have some information about your dear wife, Maureen" said one of the officers." "Tell me! Did you find her?" Michael Patrick O'Flynn asked. The constables looked at each other and one said, "We have some bad news, some good news, and some really great news. Which would you like to hear first?" Fearing the worst, Mr. O'Flynn said, "Give me the bad news first." The constable said, "I'm sorry to tell you, sir, but early this morning we found your poor wife's body in the bay." "Lord sufferin' Jesus and Holy Mother of God!" exclaimed O'Flynn. Swallowing hard, he asked, "What could possibly be the good news?" The constable continued, "When we pulled the late, departed poor Maureen up, she had 12 of the best-looking Atlantic lobsters that you have ever seen clinging to her. Haven't seen lobsters like that since the 1960's, and we feel you are entitled to a share in the catch." Stunned, Mr. O' Flynn demanded, "Glory be to God, if that's the good news, then what's the really great news?" The constable replied, "We're gonna pull her up again tomorrow."
  4. I thought ROR was the vegan, not Bogo.
  5. I agree. I think if he's on the big club, which almost certainly will happen, he is going to NEED to be sheltered.
  6. Risto is going to have a lot of teams mad at him this season.
  7. This has been going on since the old politics thread, and if my memory is correct, the Patrick Kane thread. I can't give you evidence. Those threads are gone. I KNOW I've reported it twice, regardless of whether it resulted in anything on your end. Can we just end this crap and move on?
  8. I'm not talking about the last time. I'm talking about the first time. Based on your standing your ground the first time you made that play (was a year ago or more) it seemed pretty apparent to me that you weren't interested in backing off your assertion so when it continued I felt I had seen it enough and asked that something be done about it.
  9. You were confronted about it in that thread and stood your ground. And then you repeated it. This site doesn't need that kind of garbage. As for the rest, I'll sleep tonight.
  10. You can only look up when you're at the bottom.
  11. It's long lost to the archives. I was tempted to be a dick and post them in this thread, but they're long gone.
  12. Seeing as that I have reported you twice for it in the past, and now this one is three, I'm going to use your new line. You're full of chit.
  13. No. I think it deserves scrutiny. It wasn't a general post, and you've leveled it directly at him before.
  14. This is the 3rd or 4th time you've made this particular character assassination. It's ugly and it has no basis in anything factual. You've come to this conclusion based on things he's posted that have nothing to do with abusing women or alcohol. It has no place on this forum.
  15. At the risk of exposing myself as ignorant, what is the NIST report?
  16. Who did he fight?
  17. Pi's aim was a little off to the north.
  18. This. Is. Awesome.
  19. Vontae Davis quit and retired at halftime? Did that happen?
  20. Spent both mornings this weekend fishing out of my kayak in one of the western Finger Lakes. Had great mornings both days catching fish. I’ve got 3 meal bags of fillets in the freezer. And sore, tired shoulders from the paddling. But it was awesome. Light breeze, sunny skies, calm seas, and willing fish. If our cards play out correctly, next year we may be moving to one of those lakes for year round residence.
  21. So, do all this food trucks and breweries and shyt have pictures of the food on their menus?
  22. They get taxed in the state they play, no? So any advantage is half an advantage, home games. Not insignificant.
  23. The penalties are harsh. 7+ years wandering in the desert proclaiming manna will fall from the heavens.
  24. Mostly the same for me. I’m still in show me first mode.
  25. I'm curious as to why you think I am in the minority, ie. what feedback do you have that indicates something else? And I'm curious as to what sort of character flaw you are referring to.
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