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Everything posted by Weave

  1. It was flocking genius.
  2. Quinoa can be absolutely delicious. We make it as part of a Mediterranean salad.
  3. How many places are there with large police presence? Government facilities, airports. What else? You aren't going to have many events at places with large armed presence because there just aren't many of those places around. And the ones that are around are typically government associated. These events haven't been targeted at our government, they've been targeted at specific groups of people. It's just not realistic to expect armed presence everywhere that groups of hated people gather. In one form or another, we're all hated by somebody. And so it is counter productive to go around shouting about how this might not have happened if there were an armed presence.
  4. Anyone else remember the guy that was hit in the head with a thrown beer bottle in one of the Rich Stadium parking lots? I think it was maybe 25 years ago. Black couple walking through the lot post-game and someone sailed a beer bottle at him and hit him in the head. He managed to get home but died shortly after getting home from a hemorrhage presumably from that beer bottle. Was all over the local news at the time. Noone ever came forward and noone was ever questioned about the incident. That incident soured me on the tailgating scene at the stadium forever.
  5. Before children came along we had 3 aquariums. We’re practically empty nesters now. We used to raise finches and canaries too. We’re probably buying a flight cage this Winter. And our dog doesn’t have much time left so we’re probably compensating more than a little.....
  6. Fresh, and they’re inexpensive. I’m basically mimicking an office desk tank. of course, this is how you end up chest deep into a hobby again.
  7. I now have a small tank starting to cycle. Going for a crustacean tank. Once everything stabilizes I'll get a few shrimp to populate it. No stink eye.....yet.
  8. I'm not convinced of the deterrence level of armed guards in shootings like these. In the vast majority of these the shooter is inclined to go down in a hail of bullets. It's not often that they run and hide when (or before) the armed response arrives.
  9. That is my take.
  10. Eleven does not approve of this sentence structure.
  11. Bruins - Sabres playoffs, 87-88 season. Game 3. Sitting with my GF (now wife) in the oranges. Corner seats. The Bruins up 2 games to 0. Huge number of Bruins fans in the Aud and the atmosphere is CHARGED. There were a number of fights in the stands that game. During the 2nd intermission my GF had to use a restroom. I walked her to the nearest restroom and waited for her in the alcove. A fight between 10 or so Bruins and Sabres fans started up right outside of the alcove for the ladies room. My GF opened the door of the restroom to leave and I slammed it shut on her. There was a full on donneybrook going on just outside. When security showed up and everyone dispersed i opened the restroom door. Glad I didn't get swung at. I was young and dumb and would have ended up in the middle of that mess. There was a middle aged dad with his young son sitting a few rows below us. Kid was maybe 10-12. There was a group fo Bruins fans behind them and they were raucous all game. By the start of the 3rd these guys were hammered and getting very loud and obscene. Dad tried to get them to stop swearing and one of the Bruins fans kicked him in the head. Everyone around them yelled for an usher and pointed out the kicker. He was escorted out by security, but at some point must have broken free because a few minutes later we saw him on one of the platforms in the reds where the cameraman sits and he was doing his best Rocky imitation. Security got him again and we never saw him again. Nastiest game I've ever attended. Fights in the stands every period. It was a crazy scene.
  12. He's not talking about Swedish porn.......
  13. Proper logos *respect*
  14. METALLICA !!!!!!!! \m/
  15. Meh. Lottery tickets. You listed outliers. And outliers that a team waits 3+ years to have on the NHL ice (unless you want to drum up outliers among outliers). So, long term you *MIGHT* equal what you've lost and short term is a definite, predictable, measurable loss. Let's work towards an expectation of winning games all season.
  16. I am amazed on a nearly daily basis how we as a people have turned our backs to science. Whether it is vaccinations, global warming, or Lake Ontario salmon populations, we have become a people that do not trust scientific data when it counters what we want to be true. I don't remember us being like this 20 years ago., And now it has evolved into adopting obvious political untruths as truisms and conspiracies instead of straightforward, obvious explanations. And the media is getting pinned as fake news. Holy actual fudge. How did we get here, and can I get off the ride and walk back home?
  17. Please tell me you’re not going for a false flag event as an explanation.
  18. Yup. Guaranteed downgrade in talent.
  19. That they need reinforcement immediately after a good road trip. Seems that the good habits they had aren’t going to be easily sustainable just quite yet.
  20. He's got Ryan Miller eyes.
  21. Anything else would run counter to what they are working so hard to build this season.
  22. I’m going to go off the board a little bit here. This team needs to retain Skinner this season regardless of playoff likelihood and regardless of the risk of losing him in the offseason. Thise team needs the reinforcement that the expectation of winning is more important than anything else, including potential prospects and lottery tickets.
  23. Very aware of how unstable small aquariums can be. Not really looking at a bigger aquarium. If I do it at all, it’ll be something that can fit on a small table or countertop. Chances are, I’ll get the stink eye at the idea. But my curiosity is up anyway.
  24. Very small ones. ? just an initial curiosity look. Really limited in what you can keep in very small tanks. Very small, docile fish and shrimp. A crustacean tank could be interesting.
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