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Everything posted by Weave

  1. 8.9 x 14.8 x 9.1 (W x H x D)
  2. These are the BICs I have. BIC America bookshelf speaker reviews
  3. A few years back I bought a pair of BIC America bookshelfs based on really solid reviews. They have not disappointed hooked up to my ancient Kenwood set up. That's as close to audiophile as I get. And they aren't wireless. But they sound great to my concert damaged ears.
  4. You underestimate my ability to string big words into a sentence without fully understanding their significance.
  5. Comment based on limited knowledge and unlimited ignorance here, but I wouldn't think wireless/bluetooth is compatible with audiophile level speakers. Doesn't bluetooth compress data? I would think that would result in loss of fidelity.
  6. John Scott is still the best thing in hockey.
  7. Without taking any sort of look at stats, simple or advanced, a 30 yr old 2nd line center ar 4.5M for 3 more years doesn't sound onerous at all to me. Carter is def riskier.
  8. Saving grace is, he was the Supervisor in Grand Island, which is no slouch in the household income department. I think he probably plays well in Amherst actually. My polling place was easily as busy as it is on a Presidential election year. Maybe the folks that don't take a shine to illegal activity among Congressmen are more motivated than I give credit for. Or, Trump has motivated the lemmings.......
  9. Noone out here believes McMurray when he says he's a pro gun guy. Democrat = gun grabber, regardless of what the individual politician says. Everyone out here links Collins with Trump. Collins was an early adopter of the Trump Train. They love him out here for it. Strangely enough, I've never got the anti-rich guy sense when it comes to politics out here. And icing on the cake, these folks vote party line across the board.
  10. Is there a 2nd line center worth having on either team? Even if for the rest of the season, or next. I'll take one of those please.
  11. I live in a rural county in his district. He'll win this county in a landslide. It's going to take the residents of Clarence and Amherst to get him out of Congress. If I were betting on it, I'd bet he's re-elected, and found not guilty. Maybe it's just the pessimist in me.
  12. Doesn't seem like much of a challenge.
  13. You are correct, but there is a history of fiction here.
  14. IMO they are a 2C away from being a playoff team.
  15. His history also flatlines at about 47 points/season. I'm not assuming more until he shows more.
  16. 1. 8 points is a typical year to year spread for any scorer. 2. He's still scoring at a rate that results in a points total within the spread of his last 3 years.
  17. Did Trump admit last night that the Russians stole the election for him?
  18. I don't think we need to trade him. We still need a stable of good, scoring wingers. And he is a good, scoring winger. And I do still expect that his game will mature and he'll be valuable in other ways. But he just may be a 50 point player. There is nothing wrong with that. Every team needs a few of them.
  19. Found an interesting podcast this morning discussing why our political system is broken, and what some of the fixes might be. There is some interesting concepts here. It's a long read (or listen). But I think the points regarding what is broken and why are probably more right than wrong. And the fixes are interesting. The perspective is that politics is an industry, not a public service, and the problem solving was attacked from an industry POV. It's a good Sunday read/listen. If reading, get through/past the first couple of paragraphs. The subject matter picks up after. Freakonomics - politics as an industry For instance: the Social Security Act of 1935 had 90 percent Democratic support and 75 percent Republican. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 had 60 percent Democratic support and, again, 75 percent Republican. Now, for the last decade or two, that’s been the opposite pattern. The only way landmark legislation gets passed is one party has enough votes to pass that by itself. The Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, was passed in 2010 with zero Republican votes in Congress. President Trump’s 2018 tax-reform bill? Zero Democratic votes. There is some interesting ideas about primaries, about winner take all elections, and gerrymandering.
  20. The thing I don't like about those stats are, there is no upward progression in them. The scoring we got from Sam in year 1 is little different from the scoring we got from Sam in year 3. And the trend seems to be holding in year 4. Where is the growth? It appears that this might be Sam. There is no more to get from him.
  21. My gut tells me CJ Smith is AAAA. Luke Adam, Mark Mancari, Ken Preistlay.
  22. I know. Jack is sad enough for both lines now.
  23. You severely under rate day drinking.
  24. Jack has a negative world view? I thought me moved that guy in the off season.
  25. Remember when we bragged about how much center depth we have? *swoons* This team really needs a Kyle Turris type center for the 2nd line. *or whatever other legit 2nd line options are out there, don't care to micro analyze Turris specifically. It's a concept.
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