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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Maybe it's the divisional playoff format during my years of most interest, but Boston is my #1 hate by alot. Flyers are in the picture though.
  2. I get the same exact sense of dread I used to get when we played Ottawa during the Chris Neil years. Just hope like hell noone gets hurt. Regarding who answers if Gudas calls? No doubt Bogo or McCabe would go, but I'm not sure it would matter much. He shook off what Foligno tossed to him when they fought and Foligno is a much more accomplished fighter. These are the games I wish we had a roster spot for a genuine bad dude. Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer of these games every season.
  3. It'll be easier because it'll be a short lived career. ?
  4. How the hell does that work on a flight? The only international flights I've been on, the lavs had constant demand. I can't imagine being on an international flight and have digestive issues.
  5. He's a poor actor. Watching and supporting will be cringe worthy.
  6. First game at the Aud when I was maybe 8 or 9. St. Louis Blues. I recall the game being a tie, but I'm not 100% convinced my memory on this is solid. Saw Malarchuck's life change from the gold's just a handful of rows up in the section next to the zamboni doors. Talk about sobering. First legal beer was at the poor man's Aud club on the blue level. Had seasons for several years, 1st row oranges in the corner down by that cylindrical shaped wall. Don't remember the section number. Gave up my seasons when they moved to the new arena. Equivalent seats were almost 3x the price. Too rich for my blood. Haven't seen a live sabres game in 7-8 years. The entertainment value went south and I had no interest in paying to see them. That will change soon enough.
  7. LOL, Crusader thinks the pro tankers took abuse. You were in the greater majority dude. It came back in spades for the other side. Like standing behind and supporting a son or daughter who made a disappointing life changing decision, I'll cheer this team and support it because it is part of me.
  8. So, what was his reasoning behind this hot take? He had to try to back that up, right?
  9. Ken Hitchcock to his new team: My prediction is, Hitch wins another Stanley Cup.
  10. Maine suddenly becomes interesting to me.
  11. Came for the nuclear head explosions. Left disappointed.
  12. So, the same day the caravan reaches the border, the President announces that he is drawing down the troops. LOL. It never was about immigration. PT Barnum never had this much game. Too bad it backfired on him. Not.
  13. It had to get on a ballot somehow though, no?
  14. Pi?
  15. There used to be a stat tossed around this forum about teams in the playoff picture at the 1/4 mark (IIRC) and their odds of being in the playoffs at the end of the season. The odds were pretty overwhelming IIRC. good teams almost always established that they were good teams by this point in the season. Who remembers what that stat was?
  16. It will be interesting to see how that list changes as we get closer to the deadline.
  17. We know who was drafted around those picks, so we kinda do.
  18. If you use Cullen's 100 game standard you are still looking at draft picks between 15 and 30 having a 61% chance at 100 games with an average expected role of a bottom 6 forward / 3rd pairing defenceman. You can make a very valid argument for trading those at the deadline.
  19. Yeah, I caught that. I think we're both hitting the same point pretty thoroughly.
  20. There is a ton of data that backs the point up. 2nd round plus picks are bargains to use for trade bait.
  21. according to the site I linked over the last 13 seasons the hit rate barely over 25%.
  22. This is frustrating. The reply was 2nds AND 3rds. 15-20% of seconds and 3rds make it. Narrow it to just 2nds and it is pretty much 25%. We were dead on average. (not that it changed my point any) And again, in context of the convo, do we want to give up a 25% shot at a player to get additional help for a playoff run? I do. Assuming the situation warrants it.
  23. 1/3 in the 2nd make it. 1 in 4 in the 3rd make it. 1 in 6-10 make it drafted after that. Add college FA's. It adds up.
  24. I didn't say they were without value. I said that they aren't likely to have any more than a cup of coffee in the NHL. And the context of that statement was that I am willing to forego that value in return for a player that can help us in the playoffs. Assuming that playoffs are in the picture for this year.
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