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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I think the failure of Sam as a center is enough to be disappointed at some level. We counted on him from the get go to be a fixture at pivot even after we drafted Jack. But a top line RW is not at all out of line for a #2 pick. I think anyone here that said they weren't expecting an all star consideration level player out of that pick isn't being honest with themselves though. The hype was pretty tremendous. He's good. Better than he sometimes gets credit for. But certainly hasn't lived up to that hype. It's interesting that there is so much patience for Sam. Most times a player doesn't live up to the hype they are run out of town. The patience (or maybe acceptance) is good in this case. the team is better for his presence.
  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-05/total-market-pain-is-worst-since-1972-as-investor-anxiety-mounts Bad fiscal policy triggers inflation, which triggers an increase in interest rates across the globe, which triggers historically bad market projections. Go figure.
  3. How does that relate to the NY gun bill?
  4. One of these will still be competing.....
  5. Home after 3 days in Baltimore. Had to drive because I was bringing equipment with me. That’s about as long a drive as I care to take solo. Very glad to not have to drive anywhere for a couple of days.
  6. Minor alarm bells. Not major. Ideally you’d have knocked it out of the park and they would have canceled the interview with the last candidate. You did the right thing reaching out to them. Let’s them know you are sincerely excited and interested. And yeah, with a holiday stuck in there they might just be behind their timelines.
  7. All this hub bub about Leafs fans. Let’s not forget the horrible reputation we had in Carolina.
  8. Over.
  9. My son bought last minute seats yesterday. Said they were cheap, but I don’t know what he paid. So there were still tix on the secondary market on game day. And he also said Sabres fans were outnumbered.
  10. Interesting. i thought they looked too careful in OT.
  11. My son and his best friend bought tix this morning. He said "cheap". Speculators gonna speculate still.
  12. So. Much. This.
  13. Happens all the time in the hockey threads on this site too. Criticism, even justified criticism, of popular players is always met with weird hyperbolic reaction.
  14. Hell hath no fury like a fanbase scorned.
  15. I watched a bit less than half of the game. My take away during the portions I watched was, Allen is not timid like Tyrod, and seems to have some success at making things happen. And after thinking about it while catching up on this thread it occurred to me that he probably most reminds me of Doug Flutie.
  16. What disappoints me most about this bill is that, while unlikely to become law (and it is totally unreasonable in any way), it fans the flames of those who are wont to cry that the Democrats are going to take their guns away. It motivates the NRA crowd in big ways. Pointless and counterproductive.
  17. That graph matches what I see. They were not the better team the last 8 games, regardless of the final score. They will need to figure it out. It only tightens up from here. Fortunately, what those games did show is, they have the talent to get through it if they do figure it out. They don't need to be perfect, just better, or maybe more consistently better is the correct wording.
  18. This is what happens when you don’t practice on all of your non game days. #someonewasgonnasayiteventually
  19. Mold grows into the bread, not just on the surface. Think iceberg. Under the right conditions bread mold can produce toxins. Not likely, but not worth saving $0.05 worth of flour.
  20. Food in fridge is fine for 3-4 hrs. The moldy muffin however...... throw them out.
  21. And that chart illustrates the point I am trying to make re: gameplay This matches what my eyes tell me. And I agree it is good news overall, but they’ll need to adjust as the season gets to grinding.
  22. This is probably correct
  23. I think the end result is creating amnesia regarding the actual gameplay. A majority chunk of the games in the win streak had the ivce pretty well tilted to Buffalo’s detriment for big chunks of the game. It wasn’t just the usual expected ebb and flow. Nonetheless, they’ve shown terrific gumption and skill to overcome that of late. My concern is when the opponents start playing with elevated gumption as well.
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