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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Gilbert wasn't captain until very late in his career when the team was not very good, and he got the C because he was a long serving vet. #11 was the best skater to ever where a Sabres sweater but was not captain material. I've had my reservations about Jack ever since he gave up on a season and lamented the lost bonus money because of it. He could certainly mature into a good captain, but he's not there yet. Not unlike Gilbert.
  2. ' bout time.
  3. I'm done hoping Nylander ever shows up. I'm willing to see him moved ofr a roll of the dice. AFAIAC Nylander is a roll of the dice at this point.
  4. Don't care to wade into this argument. Just here to say.... cheez, that list is bad. What a mess we watched.
  5. Someone crapped in the doorway of one of the stalls in the office bathroom. Really? Freakin savages.
  6. Vets, yes. Winning vets? And not in that density.
  7. Damned if i can remember what it used to be called, but that pub always got all of my pregame dollars pre-MMA. Its a bitch getting old.
  8. No argument there. Except Gionta. I though the was a good choice that Jack and Sam just weren't interested in listening to. IMO the big problem was that they sprinkled in just a couple of mentors amongst a very poor team. I wanted to see the Sabres do to Eichel what Pittsburgh did to Crosby, fill out the team with a bunch of playoff proven vets, not just a couple. Eichel was more than willing to brush of Gionta. He would have been much less likely to brush off Gonchar, Recchi, Leclair, Mario, Palffy, and Malone.
  9. I’d argue that mentors were the most crucial of improvements.
  10. What I have noticed is, the rude behavior is most prevalent on flights home. What I mean is, on the way out of Buffalo or Rochester things are usually fairly orderly. I’m usually on an early flight to a hub and its mostly business travel I’m guessing. The connecting flights have a little less orderly behavior. But the flight home, being into either Buffalo or Rochester, is almost everyone going home (cuz who travels to WNY for kicks, right?) and I think it is just people being absolutely done with traveling and impatient to get home.
  11. I think that’s pretty a normal response to a guy now meeting expectations.
  12. And I think this is where the fan frustration comes from. They do have it in them to play solid every game. This game was well contested. We didn’t get NYI on an off night. Solid, respectable win. Do it again.
  13. We must be using the same stream. Mine's dead.
  14. We need the Sabres equivalent of Tony Romo, a recently retired, cerebral player who was integral to the offense. Most likely a center. We have those is spades, right?
  15. I've seen all of 2 minutes so far and 'm not liking the intensity, and I def didn't like Dahlin short arming that pass behind the net from Pilut.
  16. Boy, "structure" can be taken so many ways. I'm not sure most of them would reflect well on PH.
  17. Wow. I don't remember that one, and I thought I held a grudge against all the brutality committed against Sabres.
  18. This is why we can't have nice things.
  19. I may just make time to meet you yahoos after the game.
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