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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Eeyore has a younger face now. But because we threw away two seasons to get him we won't acknowledge it. We're too emotionally invested in the idea that Jack is what is right with this team. Jack shouldn't be focusing on we/us. He quit on this season (again) as much as anyone. He needs to focus on his own performance right now. It's not an acceptable level of performance. Lead by example first.
  2. I had trouble coming up with enough names to meet the "up to". What a state of affairs the team is in.
  3. Lemmie. Yes. Still the most Buffalo thing ever given the current context. Schadenfreude at it's finest.
  4. This might be the most Buffalo thing ever posted.
  5. Started with Tim Connolly. Moved to Ville Leino. Probably Lehner was the next one to really get hammered by the fans. There is a common denominator here......
  6. I’ve not agreed with the idea of cycling the kids through. I might have to jump on this train.
  7. Abso-freaking-lutely. I'll go as far as saying it should have been a priority immediately after Jack was drafted. To prevent the exact thing we are seeing today.
  8. You have to know all this is trolling. It's very disingenuous to bring up the reaction when it was done for reaction. Personally, I couldn't care less. But if you are gonna do it, own it fer cripes sake. The "who me" routine is really lame.
  9. That may very well be, but the rule is quite specific. Emergency conditions shall be established when the playing strength of the Loaning Club, by reason of incapacitating injury or illness or by League suspension to its Players is reduced below the level of two (2) goalkeepers, six (6) defensemen and twelve (12) forwards. Proof of the existence of the emergency conditions including the incapacity shall be furnished to the Commissioner of the League upon request made by him.
  10. I've seen enough for one night.......
  11. Quitting seems to be a pattern right from season 2.
  12. Montour badly out of position and chasing people. And after the PP Jack is coasting badly on his shift. We can't have that.
  13. I did find this: If I am reading this correctly, 40 days prior to the end of the regular season starts a period where teams can only recall 4 players excepting under emergency situations until the the players league completes its regular season.
  14. I saw the 4 call ups thing from one of the Twitter talking heads. If I could remember which one I'd make a half assed attempt to search for it.
  15. The team only has 4 call ups after the trade deadline, so they can’t rotate players through. Pilut might be our last call up.
  16. First half just ended. Texas Tech went on a bit of a run leading to it. The Bulls have their work cut out for them.
  17. I tend to agree with this assessment. Pilut's play definitely regressed, and the assessment of Smith vs. Thompson makes sense to me.
  18. You may call yourself a Libertarian, but there is nothing in your posting history here that suggests you even understand the Libertarian platform. But then again, who am I to question how anyone identifies, regardless of how you appear?
  19. Woof. What a ***** show this season has become.
  20. I think I saw on Twitter yesterday or Friday that Pilut's play has been underwhelming since he was sent down.
  21. You lost me at "bare". Noone is banning sleeveless shirts. Regarding the "nothingburger". Regardless of your thoughts on Trump, this was nothing but good news. It means there wasn''t a foreign government working with a candidate to fix an election. That is good news. Nothing good could have come from a finding that there was collusion. What I'd like to see now is Donald Trump stand up and acknowledge the neutrality and professionalism of that investigation.
  22. I've inferred this thought in the past. I'm genuinely concerned that it may be the case. And if they are, I think fault is on the team. We didn't provide the right environment for their development. And I've posted my thoughts about that enough times that I won't bother to do it again. IMO it is an inherent flaw in the path they chose.
  23. 21. And it seems like yesterday.
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