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Everything posted by Weave

  1. You allow yourself to be held hostage. The rest of us refuse to be submissive to this ownership.
  2. Adams knew about the issues. He said as much in his post season presser. I said it then, Adams was complicit in the Sabres missing the playoffs this season. He knew the issues and did not react to them in any demonstrable way. I don’t blame KO for chasing an opportunity at all. He saw KA sit on his hands as this team struggled to rise up. No help for Quinn’s injury. No offseason boost to the bottom 6. And no help from the GM when the team needed a shakeup badly.
  3. I don’t know how you can blame Kyle for recognizing what this season was. And it wasn’t things Kyle could fix. You are fooling yourself if you think the difference between playoffs and golf was Kyle Okposo magically becoming a more charismatic leader. The teams play in October and November was squarely on Adams and Granato. And failing to do something about it was pure Adams.
  4. More and more I fear 2 is the primary driver.
  5. What I don’t like about this is, there isn’t a single outside thought in that staff. Not one, “this is the way we did it here” perspective.
  6. Now we can have another thread locked.
  7. Welp, taking Vancouver Island off the list.
  8. My point is trying to be funny, and nothing more. I will shut the door on the way out.
  9. It says his contract essentially ended a couple of weeks ago and is a FA.
  10. Haven’t we learned our lesson? Remember the Roy- Pominville crotch clutching picture-gate? Remember how that turned out? Busted lives and broken dreams. Doomed.
  11. License to ???
  12. If only Deluca were here.
  13. I have a hard time accepting team names that don’t have plural names. Singular names, State instead of city, HC? The end is upon us. Prepare.
  14. Caribou? That seems a stretch. Are there any caribou in Utah outside of farms raising them? Them’s a tundra species.
  15. I think it was Coco Brazil?
  16. I don’t see CBC scratched into that case anywhere.
  17. Had the post I replied to been written without the absolutes, as your was, I likely never would have chimed in at all. Although Wookie not acknowledging the continuum of players between McDavid and Dahlin probably would have triggered me. 😁
  18. More serious-er.
  19. You chose your words to describe the second group poorly then. “So exceptional “ certainly paints an image of nearly untouchable. 10 players out of a roster of 23 is nearly half.
  20. You basically put half of a never won anything roster on the protected list. Even Dahlin (and certainly Power) should be available for the right price. I’m not talking about a dream overpayment. I mean, for the right price noone should be off limits if you are really serious about winning.
  21. Thorny is right. This fanbase is not serious about winning.
  22. Wookie hacked Thorny’s account.
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