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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Mayo meets giardiniera? Agree, it looks disgusting, but if you put those ingredients on a sandwich separately I wouldn’t bat an eye.
  2. Don’t bring me facts to fight against.
  3. Im not even sure he’s AHL material. May main concern is that he seems more skill development then overall game development. Thinking specifically of word regarding practice prep, season prep. In my head I think AHL is more than skill and positional development. I would hate for my AHL team to not be getting these kids ready in terms of overall pace of practice, etc. He might be capped out at pure developmental levels.
  4. Collecting prospects was more important than setting up a team for the the prospects to slide into.
  5. I put another walleye in the freezer again today. This one was a big girl. 24” and pushing 5lbs. Between yesterday and today I’ve probably paddled 12 miles. I think the most strenuous thing I am going to do this afternoon is have a cocktail on the deck.
  6. You’re not wrong, but the glass half full vs half empty perspective has been well earned by the two teams in question here.
  7. First time out on the kayak for the season. Was targeting walleyes primarily, but end up with a very mixed bag. On the water at legal daylight. barey got the 2nd rod set when the first rod fired. Had regular action for about 90 minutes or so and then the bite just died. All told I took home 2 walleyes and a 10” perch, but also caught half a dozen smallmouth bass and 4 channel cats. For a short time it Seemed like everything wanted to take a swipe at the crankbaits I was towing. I think I paddled about 4 miles today. That’s plenty for my first outing of the season. I’m good and tired. And hopefully back at it again tomorrow AM.
  8. Too bad the rest of us get to suffer along side them. 🤮
  9. I disagree. Those individual players were not talent problems, but the team has had a talent problem for at least 15 seasons. There hasn’t been enough of it since near the end of Ruff’s first stint.
  10. I’m lame too. This weekend will be my first outing of the season.
  11. ‘Grats on clearance to drive. I seriously recommend you force yourself to get out and do something.
  12. Beers from continental Europe ruined me for American beers.
  13. Wrong on both accounts. Like I said, I can’t put my finger on it, but he seems too gimmicky to be a 1C. He’s not a one trick pony, but he sure isn’t a prototypical 1C either. I have a gut feeling it won’t work out beyond a team with no expectations.
  14. I presume this is rhetorical? I’ll give the benefit of the doubt to Forton. Beyond that I have more questions than answers. I wouldn’t try to argue against Dahlin, but I’m not smitten either. I can’t shake the feeling Tage is a fraud, but I can’t exactly put my finger on why either.
  15. Given the roster available, Who would you have chosen for captain instead? And do you really think there would have been an on ice difference?
  16. I think that fully falls under my final point that organizationally, nearly the entire chain is not properly equipped to fulfill the tasks that are required for winning.
  17. Given the makeup of the team, Okposo was as good a choice as any. Actually, he was a better choice than arguably anyone else on the roster, including Dahlin. KA is squarely to blame not just for the failures on ice. He is also squarely to blame for saddling Okposo with a responsibility he wasn’t well enough equipped to execute upon. There wasn’t a single player on the team that was properly equipped to do it. Common denominator of failure in this organization. Not putting people in places where they are equipped to succeed. Gm, coach, assistants, captain, role players. All under qualified to do what was needed.
  18. Sounds like the makings for another 5 yr plan.
  19. WWSTD? What would a serious team do?
  20. In Soviet Russia, cunney brings back you.
  21. You allow yourself to be held hostage. The rest of us refuse to be submissive to this ownership.
  22. Adams knew about the issues. He said as much in his post season presser. I said it then, Adams was complicit in the Sabres missing the playoffs this season. He knew the issues and did not react to them in any demonstrable way. I don’t blame KO for chasing an opportunity at all. He saw KA sit on his hands as this team struggled to rise up. No help for Quinn’s injury. No offseason boost to the bottom 6. And no help from the GM when the team needed a shakeup badly.
  23. I don’t know how you can blame Kyle for recognizing what this season was. And it wasn’t things Kyle could fix. You are fooling yourself if you think the difference between playoffs and golf was Kyle Okposo magically becoming a more charismatic leader. The teams play in October and November was squarely on Adams and Granato. And failing to do something about it was pure Adams.
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