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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I thought statements about political figures were verboten in here. ?
  2. Yes please on Statsny. He's what we need on the 2nd line. The movement grows....
  3. Until we actually have rostered players that are more effective that Larry and Girgs they should be tendered. And it's not their cap space or contract spot that is preventing it from happening.
  4. Sabrespace fishing trip....
  5. This? This I like.
  6. The package size doesn’t matter. They are all single serving packages:
  7. That will be interesting to watch as the draft plays out.
  8. I did fish in the rain today for about an hour and a half and got into a good mix of panfish. I've been out 5 or 6 times in some of our smaller inland lakes. Mostly looking for crappies. Mostly unsuccessfully. Did stumble into a walleye on a lake I suspected but wasn't sure had walleyes. It's been a tough start to the season. Cold, wet weather had fish on their spawning beds later than usual. Now that fish are getting into their Summer patterns I'm hoping to see a bit more action.
  9. I don't think so either, but the mere mention of any gaffes sure does result in the conversation focusing on that.
  10. I'll wait until I see pics before crabbing. It could be done well. But I'm not excited to hear white with gold as the main colors.
  11. Update.... Father's Day will be OK. Dragged the kayak to the lake in a steady rain and enough breeze to produce a nice chop. And found some willing fish. A couple meals worth.. Not bad for a soaking wet 90 minutes or so. Came home soaked to the bone, shivering cold, and smiling. Time for a Manhattan and a salute Dad's both here and passed.
  12. Son is home for the weekend. We went out for beers last night. Was a nice evening. Was hoping to fish this AM but the rain is still falling........ maybe I'll get a couple hours in before the extended family arrives for dinner.....
  13. In Rochester.
  14. Wow. Why does Sheary SEEM a fair bit older than Vesey?
  15. I'm talking in game.
  16. THis is reasonable and logical. Cold, emotionless logic.
  17. Maybe you misunderstood? Gio and Jack didn't get along because Gio didn't like Jack's approach to the game, just like ROR didn't like Jack's approach to the game. Frankly, I don't much like Jack's approach to the game.
  18. Had this very thought last night.
  19. This is my take. And it’s also my take as to why there was a disconnect with Brian Gionta as well. And I said as much 2 offseasons ago.
  20. I think PA well stated my thoughts. When he is simply amazing I’ll say he is amazing. As for not fully appreciating his roolie year, almost none of us in these conversations can honeslty say they remember in a critical way the rookie season of the last generational defenseman, so we don’t really know what that is supposed to look like. the kid had a helluva season. Period. Amazing is most likely in his future. But I’m not going to rave about it until amazing is actually here. This season would be nice though.
  21. If the problem was he couldn’t lead a bunch of kids, why wouldn’t the correct response be to obtain the people who can lead the kids and keep the best 2C in the game on your roster?
  22. This might be the most pretentious thing ever posted on this site. ?
  23. I'm in. Let's schedule something so we don't just talk about it.
  24. It seems I missed something?
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