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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Not a fan of the gold inside the shield, but if the team is anything like the last 7 years I won't see it much.
  2. I'm sure it applies in the loosest of definitions. I'm not expecting the Sabres version of Edward R. Murrow here.
  3. Generally still in show me mode, leaning towards the negative though. He’s had plenty of time for the team to show progress.
  4. Aren't the only choices available Buffalo's number or Erod's number? I thought it was a very binary judgement. No middle ground.
  5. And here it is, conservative nationalism is nothing more than the new collectivism. Good outcomes at the expense of individual liberty. No wonder the right has become smitten with Russia. https://reason.com/2019/07/18/the-new-conservative-nationalism-is-about-subverting-individual-liberty/
  6. I've actually been to the Stone Jug before. A looooong, looong time ago. I am going to try to make this, but it is a substantial drive from work.
  7. Dahlin, most certainly. Gawd, I hope Casey does as well.
  8. Oof. Yes, very scary. Good to hear that it hasn't spread though.
  9. We have Kyle's worse younger brother too?
  10. So when does this conversation actually transplant into the Stats club? Asking for a friend.
  11. This pretty much says it all.
  12. This is essentially what my thoughts were regarding why Evander Kane had a rep for not using teammates. It took a good 10 games with Eichel before he started playing like he had a teammate on the ice. I could buy this argument regarding Ristos play. Inferior linemates results in a feeling that he had to do it himself, and alot of bad habits crystalized as a result.
  13. The guys using public lands illegally? That wasn't a protest. That was trespassing.
  14. No. I didn’t grow up in that area, but I know the area.
  15. Unless you are communicating with your representatives they wouldn’t know you are speaking out. Let’s face it, outside of your chosen social media site, how many people do you interact with that freely discuss controversial topics in any form that might get back to a representative?
  16. And that one is on private property.
  17. You seem to be referring to apathy. I’m not willing to assume that silence is evidence of apathy or agreement. Your mileage may vary. Regarding your point that, in the end the effect is the same, I mostly agree. It's the idea that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. I put much more weight upon those with real influence, responsibility and power than I do among the masses. That is why we elect them.
  18. It struck me as an admission on his part that he was being overused to the detriment of the team. Ryan Miller anyone?
  19. I am willing to give a pass to the common man who says nothing if their actions are counter. In other words, I don’t feel a need for you specifically to condemn the words of our President, but I would judge you if you are voting for him at this point. Emphasis on common man. Not everyone is built to speak up. I don’t consider it enabling when they are willing to put action to what they aren’t speaking. Mitt Romney is not common man. He holds a position of great influence. I absolutely expect him to speak up. Their are many members of this club that haven’t spoken their opinions in here, or anywhere wlse that we know of, does that mean they are enablers? I don’t think it is accurate to portray them that way.
  20. Specific to Romney, I agree. I don’t think I’ve indicated otherwise.
  21. I don’t agree with this. But I’ll leave it at that. This line of logic at the run up to the election was why I left for awhile. It’s too digital to be realistic or accurate.
  22. I can has more defense?
  23. Interesting seeing that pic of Cozens. Wasn’t he labeled as physical ready for the NHL at draft time? He sure doesn’t look physically ready for the NHL to my untrained eye.
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