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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I'm not sure this could be better said. In the context of the on ice product there is no comparing TG to TP. It's not even close. It's amazing to me the the Pegulas get a general pass from all but a small handful when an entire sports team generation has passed and there is nothing to show for it. Mentioning again the very interesting tidbit that it was TG that challenged Lindy to create a more high scoring, entertaining game. And Lindy found a way. That one item puts on display the very large difference in how TG ran the teaam compared to how TP ran the team. Golisano knew what he wanted and challenged his team to find a way. Under TP they threw in the towel, and 5 seasons later we still aren't sure what the expectations are for this season.
  2. Oh snap! Max is still a pro hockey player? Kid sure had the wheels to keep it going.
  3. I remember the same sort of reporting on Tyler Myers his second year. https://buffalonews.com/2010/04/15/its-grow-time-what-can-phenom-defenseman-tyler-myers-do-for-an-encore-were-about-to-find-out/
  4. Yell at the kids. You'll feel better. Until they egg your house Halloween night.
  5. I find it interesting the TG was the one who was the catalyst behind Lindy getting away from low scoring. low chance hockey and moving to high octane hockey. Gives me a smidgen of respect for Ol Sugar Packets. He def challenged people and expected them to meet the challenge.
  6. It was a bit harsh, but caring about whether someone else uses illegal streams is the equivalent of caring whether your neighbors smoke marijuana recreationally. It's a busybody thing to care about.
  7. The and F word.
  8. There is nothing grey about it. But fussing over someone doing this if you aren't impacted? “A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.”
  9. 24, regardless of the sport.
  10. You did reply "No" to the assertion that IP is a major reason for the dispute so there is exclusivity here.
  11. I think you misread that totally.
  12. That's only partially true. One of the driving complaints IS the lack of respect for US IP by the Chinese. Now I need another shower. I'll say this (as a guy who has been more than happy to take advantage of illegal streams), if you have issues with what China is doing regarding US IP, then you are being a hypocrite if you are using these streams to get your hockey fix. No judgement here. I've certainly done my share. But you should own it if you are going to do it. *puts soapbox away
  13. We all hope we're wrong.
  14. It just occurred to me that 70 seems like dying young to me in this post 1/2 the population smokes world.
  15. Whoa.
  16. Risto with a hate goal off the rush after a turnover just inside the Sabres blueline.
  17. IMO he’s about 50/50 to ever be considered an NHL starting goalie.
  18. Same.
  19. Definitely regretting not being able to make that show.
  20. Randall bringing the heat!
  21. I think it was as simple as, our kids were better than their kids, not our scheme is better than their scheme. Close gaps, puck pressure, quick transitions are all things that happen when you have the more talented squad on the ice. When you are the better team you tend to be more aggressive. If anything points to how much of our last few seasons are the result of coaching/schemes and how much is related to the on ice talent, tourneys like this do it. P-burgh has a very effective team system. So does Boston. I'm sure their kids got just as much schooling into their system as ours did, Yet our kids looked great against them. It's not our scheme, which is still being devised and installed. It's the talent that was on the ice.
  22. That is exactly what Brawndo is suggesting though.
  23. I seem to recall it was 2 seasons, when we didn’t have a viable 2C (hmmmmm.....). Was it the addition of Christian Ruutu that kept him back on D? Does that timing sound right?
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