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Everything posted by Weave

  1. 3 more steps? We'll be ready to tank again by then.
  2. Dishess sounds too complimentary, It needs a descriptor. Like Wet Dishes.
  3. I don't know how I feel about this. Context surely matters. Was it a time when it was acceptable? Was the intent light hearted? I think if it is done today, it is done knowing that it would raise eyebrows, and that is a pretty big difference to me. Not unlike flying the Southern Cross. At one time you could proclaim a level of innocence and it be reasonable to accept, but not today. So, again, context matters. I know nothing of the Prime Minister or the events that are drawing controversy, so no judgement here.
  4. This seems like an unwise trade off.
  5. I hear he has lots of wallspace and gets the stinkeye about that Farrah wall art. He's totally got a Trubisky fathead.
  6. I dunno. Alot of Sam will be fine seemed to me to come from the idea that he will develop into our #2 center. I didn’t see the criticism of Sam as criticism of his likely value as a developed player as much as concern that he wasn’t going to the the center we expected on draft day. Then again, that was my point I was defending anyway. There was considerable resistance to the idea that Sam might not be best suited for center.
  7. Ed Zachary
  8. That represents 25% of what he’s earned to date. That’s a helluva lot to walk away from.
  9. Yeah, I don’t get how anyone can say Casey is ahead of Sam at the beginning of year 2. Sam played well on the wing year 1 and showed improvement in training camp. Goals and assists aside,Does anyone think Casey had a good rookie year? He looked overmatched way more often than not, whereas Sam looked like he fit in, albeit in a different role than expected.
  10. One preseason game is an awfully small sample size but I didn’t see a difference from last season.
  11. I'm not sure it matters if Mittlestadt can't hold down the C position anyway. Food for thought.
  12. I think this is legit. Not legit as in he's not an NHL center to be. Legit in that it is time to express some concern. He should have shined against a mixed NHL/AHL roster.
  13. Wish it weren't so. I know its just the first preseason game, but I think we all needed to see evidence of continued development. It's not on display yet.
  14. Mittlestadt is being given the chance to show that he is a 2C. I don't think he's up to the task.
  15. This needs to stick and become board lore, right up there with OSP.
  16. That’s what has me curious. Are they dinged up? Showed up out of shape? Personal reasons? Afraid of flying? It may be nothing but having two guys totally sit out the first two games is rather curious.
  17. That team had 3 good centers and enough good wingers to keep those centers well used. I'd be less concerned about breaking up the big 3 if I thought we had the depth to carry the breakup.
  18. Meh. Early preseason lines mean very little, if anything. The wealth gets spread around to see who might have the skills to play “up a level”. There are only so many forwards that you can put a guy with the see if he can keep up. I’ll be more concerned if it is still a thing in the last 2 preseason games and the last week of preseason practices.
  19. The dog we recently put down was a squirrel killing machine in his prime. As a pup he’d start the chase halfway across the yard, expending all kinds of energy, but the squirrels made it to a tree before he got them. Then one day he was napping on the deck and woke to a squirrel foraging towards him. This time he waited and got the ambush he needed. The chase lasted maybe 15’. The lightbulb went on and he became a very efficient ambush killer. I *almost* felt sorry for the tree rats. Once he got them it was play time. He’d let it go and recatch it. Squirrel never had a chance once first caught though. They were way too badly hobbled to survive the game. And it ended up a mess.
  20. Reason #1 for not delaying winning until “next season”.
  21. Agreed. And that might be all the difference required.
  22. #Trendingdown *troll*
  23. No. Wore it in every sport I played.
  24. Hot ex wife. Split last year after 28 years.
  25. Wat? oh man. You know you’re getting old when the performers you listened to in your teens start dying off.
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