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Everything posted by Weave

  1. This response seems to assume that these are recent observations re: Jack. And they aren’t. Regardless of where he sits in league scoring, it is perfectly legit to point out significant flaws in Jacks game, which is exactly what this is. Especially when that flaw has not improved at all over the course of his career to date. Dahlin gets more rope. He’s alot younger. But it’s also perfectly valid to be concerned about the seeming backwards trajectory of his defensive game this year.
  2. I’d probably feel alot more open to another international game if I was confident our team would be talked about positively afterward.
  3. In his prime, our dog was a first class squirrel killer. He learned to lay quietly on the deck steps until a foraging squirrel got too close. The chase was usually short, and the result cruel to watch. He played with them after he caught them. There was no point in trying to break it up because he would prance around the yard just out of reach if we tried. As badly as I felt for the squirrel, I'd love another day of cleaning up the aftermath......
  4. Right from his rookie season he's been handled incorrectly. We've all heard the rumors of the vets-youth split in the room right from his rookie season. And it was never "fixed". There is a petulance to him that isn't healthy. We need to hope that he grows out of it, and soon. Or hope there's another Turgeon-LaFontaine deal out there to be had.
  5. A brain bleed is what ended Joe Mesi’s boxing career. And my son suffered one in a car accident when he was in middle school. It took 4 years before he was right again. Id be concerned if I were a Jets fan.
  6. Wait...... Mitts played wing? Who centered the 3rd line?
  7. 30 years ago today the Berlin Wall fell and the world all cheered. It was a Republican victory of sorts that led to the wall coming down. Today the leader of the very same party has regular temper tantrums because he can't get his wall built.
  8. That hurt to watch.
  9. Boy this pour changes after some time in the glass. The pepper mutes somewhat and it gets real buttery. And the cherry shows up more in the finsh.
  10. I have a glass of William Larue Weller sitting in front of me. Just a hair over 125 proof. The liquid is dark. Seriously dark. I wonder how long this stuff sat in a barrel? Butterscotch and a hint of cherry on the nose. Like a Werthers candy waved over a jar of Morello cherries. Simple syrup on the tongue that turns to cherry and then a crashing wave of pepper that fades to burnt sugar and eventually vanilla. Long, long vanilla and oak finish. It needs a bit of water to bring this all out. At full proof the alcohol really intensifies the pepper and it dominates and overwhelms. This is one of the very few whiskeys I’ve had where the flavors come in big waves. The pepper absolutely bursts out of the sweet, viscous start, and the cherry and vanilla show up equally suddenly. This is a treat.
  11. Agreed. Played at a high level for a long time. He should be next. Jack hasn’t done enough yet for a vote. Surely not as much as Peca, Briere, and Drury.
  12. I know. Never was a Matt Ellis fan.
  13. Tilapia. The Matt Ellis of fish.
  14. Yes, he did. Twice if my memory serves.
  15. This is where most here disagree with you. Your choice of words is telling, and consistently understates the situation or doesn’t acknowledge it at all. The drama is embarrassing. But its not the drama that is driving the conversation here. Its is blatant disregard for Constitutional separation of powers, the Emoluments Clause, enlisting a foreign power to assist in an election, and active obstruction of a legitimate Congressional inquiry that is at the heart of it.
  16. And therein lies the rub. In order to conduct a full investigation Congress needs to evaluate the evidence. And by commanding the witnesses to defy a subpoena, he's preventing the evidence from coming to light. And giving the Republicans an out. If the evidence isn't brought forth they can claim plausible deniability. Your choice of words here is hinting at it now. "When he is found guilty" in a trial process that is inherently political, not judicial. In a case where evidence is being withheld for political reasons in the face of legal subpoenas. Due process works both ways. A fair investigation and litigation requires both sides to obey the rules. And one side is acting above the rules right now. The privilege of having the Justice department beholden to you.
  17. This is the heart of it right here. Unprecedented is the correct word.
  18. I haven't once minimized what was done in the past. But I'm also not using what was done in the past to minimize or rationalize what this President is doing now.
  19. The audacity has been unprecedented over the last 3 years. If there is a measuring stick, it is measuring on a logarithmic scale. This is so far beyond what "is" is, or phantom WMD's.
  20. A kinder, gentler Vegas these days.....
  21. I'm not thinking a 3rd branch. Maybe a combination of Executive and Legislative to appoint the head of Justice so Justice is more independent. What we have now is a head of Justice that is beholden to Trump and therefore unwilling to act against him. I miss the days when Washington was afraid of the FBI.
  22. Lerner appeared before Congress and invoked the 5th amendment. Invoking the 5th in front of Congress isn't really equivalent to choosing to ignore the subpoena to show up. Holder testified before Congress 7 times over Fast and Furious before ultimately being held in Contempt of Congress. Not familiar with the ignoring of subpoenas over the NSA spying scandal. Or Guantanamo. And LOL at continuing to point to some other actions by someone else instead of holding folks here and now to some standard.
  23. It already feels like a Constitutional crisis. We've got Executive Branch employees ignoring Congressional subpoenas. Has that ever happened before? And if so, did the Justice Dept. stand pat and let it happen? Speaking of Justice Department, it's time to get it out from the Executive Branch and make it a wholly independent body. What is happening today in Justice is disturbing.
  24. I really dislike this time of year. Drive in to work in the dark, and leave work in the dark. If the weather is clear I get to see the sky start to lighten up at the horizon. Ugh
  25. Listening to the game on the radio while in my car yesterday, it took me a full drive before I found out who Motor is. SMH. Announcers should be mostly using real names.
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