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Everything posted by Weave

  1. You can’t judge it without comparing it to the rest of the league. How did we do relative to the rest of the league?
  2. I don’t really care what the stated purpose was. 1. I haven’t believed any of the stated purposes we’ve heard since the Gulf War, including this one, and 2. Regardless of what the intended purpose was, the act itself can only lead to escalation. Whether Trump wants to label this an act of war or not, it is what it is.
  3. This is the real crux of it. Tanking for two straight seasons required a teardown of such magnitude that we ended up with 7 seasons with players in the lineup that should have been in lower levels being developed. Any process that requires full organizational depth to be on the NHL team is doomed to failure.
  4. He's still a top General in a soveriegn nations military. Killing any country's top military commander is an act of war, regardless of what he chanted. I have no F'ing clue if this attack was warranted. What I do know is it is an act of war.
  5. Assassinating a top military official is pretty much the definition of an act of war. If that wasn't his intention, holy ***** is he bad a decision making. As Rand Paul so well put today, you can't tear up a peace agreement, enact crushing sanctions, and then kill a military commander and expect this to lead to negotiation. The only realistic response is escalation. Also as said by Paul today, there may have been risk of some sort of action, but by killing a top military official we have pretty much guaranteed that a reprisal will take place. The odds of someothing happening have only increased now.
  6. Weave


    My Godson will play for NY Guardians. I'll be watching.
  7. https://reason.com/2020/01/04/absent-evidence-of-imminent-attack-on-americans-white-houses-justification-for-killing-iranian-general-collapses/
  8. Here's a good example of the problem, and a potential fix. Again, uncontrolled immigration is happening. That's a fact. A wall isn't stopping it. The current rules aren't stopping it. The correct response is to provide a real pathway and CONTROL it. https://magicvalley.com/business/agriculture/the-fix-for-ag-s-labor-woes-farm-bill-would/article_67a7021b-09b8-5a7c-9a09-af0e499b2384.html#tracking-source=home-top-story
  9. The problem with this line of thinking is, trade is not a zero sum game. There aren't winners and losers. The Cato Institute had an interesting take on Trumps trade policies. https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/trumps-trade-wars-are-incoherent-angry-misguided Regarding the idea of slowing down China's growth, that has the potential to seriously backfire. They've renegotiated with other countries to make up for what we've done. That means some other country is benefiting. What was to our benefit is now to someone else's, and China keeps truckin'. Regarding your second point, very prescient to write that on New Years day. Here we are 5 days later and we're looking down a rabbit hole in Iran and wondering what's down there.....
  10. there is a thread on this subject that I started yesterday in the politics club.
  11. East German?
  12. Thanks, Trump. (psst.. it's a silly joke. You know who you are)
  13. My take was that he put so much pressure on himself in the moment that he became overwhelmed by it. That tells me he doesn't trust his teammates to share the load. He's got to do it himself. He needs to grow out of that.
  14. I don't believe for a minute that our economy wouldn't grow with an influx of immigration. Every study I've ever seen shows immigrants as way over represented in small business statistics. Immigrants make up 14% of the population yet own 18% of small businesses, and account for 30% of all small business growth. Those businesses account for 14% of the private sector employment. Simply put, immigration drive economic growth. I'm certainly not advocating a let them all in policy. There should be some level of assurance that they will be contributing to the economy. I'm sure someone better learned than I can devise a screening to identify the potential contributors. But right now we have an immigration policy that makes it impossible for all but an elite group to get in. And that has resulted in uncontrolled immigration and cries for a wall. We don't need a wall. We need real immigration policy.
  15. I am assuming that Frolik is Sobotka's repalcement. At least until the end of the season. Men vs. boys and all that. If Frolik does well I could see an offer to him f0or next season. Frankly, I think we need the grizzled veteran presence. Wouldn't mind another one too.
  16. I hate icing the kicker
  17. I just lost my feed....
  18. Or not LOL
  19. I guess I mis timed your post I quoted?
  20. Looks like the FG would have been the right call with Allen under pressure. Several bad decisions with things on the line.
  21. Well no, not as things currently stand. Right now you could quadruple the staff and it wouldn’t matter. Current rules only allow for very specific scenarios to have a legal path onto the country. Everyone else is excluded. The rules need to change first. Edit to add: Here’s a good test if there is real immigration opportunities in this country. If you were a citizen of, say Poland, or Romania, with your current education and vocation, with no family in the US, could you successfully, legally obtain long term entry into this country. For nearly every member of this forum the answer is no. That’s not real immigration policy.
  22. I like the authors thoughts. Turn immigration into “shall grant” instead of “shall not grant” as a baseline. Perform thorough background checks at application. And let staffing levels determine the pace of immigration. There is a real pathway to entry so the risks of illegal entry are no longer worth it for most. That way we are actually controlling immigration instead of having the immigration theater that we have now.
  23. How did you pull that out of the article? Speed of the process isn't the problem. Total lack of a process for all but the wealthy and certain areas of academics is the problem. Our laws are the cause of illegal entry. If they had a reasonable opportunity to get a visa they wouldn’t take the risk. Not certainty, but opportunity. Right now illegal entry is the ONLY path for 90%+ of potential immigrants. That’s ridiculous.
  24. A dog asleep with her head on your lap
  25. Yes! And the weight you feel when you sweep the rod back.
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