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Everything posted by Weave

  1. My understanding is it did go away. Is it better today? It’s a legitimate question, but outside of the point I was making.
  2. I think our governments reporting should be viewed with skepticism, but not on a scale that this website warrants. Although, with the way our executive branch is changing the scientific based government agencies we do have, it won’t be long before our government is about as trustworthy for this kind of i fo as that blog site. Give me a site that ends in .edu and I’ll trust that one first.
  3. That seems too convenient to be coincidental. As PA mentions, red flag city. And given that site’s overwhelming reporting of “science” counter to everything that actual scientific organizations are publishing, Id propose that if you aren’t approaching that site with a large dose of skepticism, it is a site that is probably pandering to you.
  4. Did you click on those links? I did. They were dead links.
  5. Didn't see a single link to any regarded sites to back up the info. Just alot of editorializing being passed off as factual. And nearly all of it is counter to established, well reviewed actual scientific study. There is your hot air.
  6. Worst. Horror movie. Ever.
  7. The team certainly wouldn't have embraced losing on purpose. OSP would never stomach the resulting drop in ticket sales. But I'm sure the team would have been challenged to continue to make the playoffs under OSP ownership. As much as I now appreciate the demand to ice a winner under challenging budgetary conditions, I think "innovations" like scouting by film would have prevented the team from finding those young players that OSP would need to have success as an internal budget team. As it stands now, I miss his ownership. He did demand success overall. And now I need another shower.
  8. That whole site is a fake science wet dream.
  9. Really want to see Rage but the tix prices are higher than I'm willing to go. I pretty much hit my limit with that Rammstein show so another big ticket show this Summer is out of the question. I'd like to do the Megadeth show at DL this June but my son is out and I'm not going alone. Lawn seats are pretty reasonable.
  10. I’m not surprised you’d think that but CNN was more than willing to criticize Obama and Clinton when it was warranted.
  11. Mine as well. When my wife was pregnant with our son we used to see Playfair every Sunday at breakfast in a local restaurant. He was a huge, intimidating man even after hockey.
  12. Yeah, you took that the wrong way. I think his injuries would have resulted in him playing out the season as best he could and leaving it all on the ice if we were a good team, but because the seasons were lost before they ever really started he opted for season ending treatments. What would be the point of playing out the season when it was yet another wasted season?
  13. Of all the Danny Gare moments, for some reason the one that came to me immediately was after he was traded to Detroit. The Wings were playing in Buffalo. A scrum started on the ice. I didn’t catch who started it. Gare was involved. Playfair waded into the pile and grabbed Gare and pulled him out. Gare turned and saw it was Playfair that had him and immediately turtled. Was funny as hell.
  14. In defense, he was on the broadcast team during that era.
  15. I disagree. Only one major media outlet appears to be rather tied to a political party. The others are tied to broadcasting what is profitable. Sure, political leanings can be profitable, but only Fox is in lockstep with a party. Right now it is virtually state run media.
  16. I, for one, will miss Concept of Bogosian. He had a particular set of talents that we could use. I wonder what went wrong. My gut tells me his injuries at mid season every year were of the nagging variety that would have been handled differently if we were a team with hope. I think he’s another that lost his love for the game as a result of the debacle that has been Sabres hockey for the last 7 seasons. And now the combo of continued no hope and the diminishing skills after missing so much time has him on the outside looking in. I hold no negative emotions over Bogo. It should have worked out better than it did.
  17. I teared up. It's been too ***** long since we've seen that kind of excitement. Watching that video makes me hate all the more the day those sons of ***** decided to start losing on purpose.
  18. Any changes will come down to money. Ie. what is the NHL willing to pay the CHL for a handful of players to be removed from that league. I think it would be workable if the players affected were limited to 1st round picks only, and only one player per team in any given year. For example, Cozens would be affected by this for two seasons (I think). If the Sabres chose to put Cozens in the AHL that would mean if he is in the AHL again next season Buffalo wouldn't be able to move another player form the CHL to the AHL. Cozens already fills that 1 player in any given year spot. Yes, a CHL team could lose multiple players this way in a given season. But how often would that be likely to occur?
  19. I have no doubt that we likely have very different opinions on what constitutes spin. LOL Sometimes we just don't want to believe the results. At the end of the day it's the media that keeps us different from China or Russia. If I had enough motivation to do it, the previous years budget is available on line for public viewing. And the percentage increases that were proposed are well documented too. It wouldn't be that difficult.
  20. I think it has to play a role, especially with the vets. They know that teams focused on winning actively fill holes. When those holes go unfilled there must be an element of "why bother" that comes into play, even if only subconsciously. I mean, in every employment situation I have ever been in, when management hasn't bought into the stated goals it tends to be well noticed, and it tends to affect team performance overall.
  21. I'm trying to remember the Patrick history. He bailed quickly as well, or was he cut loose by the Pegulas?
  22. If the proposed budget for the military is $740B then that is way over half of all discretionary spending. Maybe that is what I read? I dunno.
  23. Again.
  24. People here have been saying the Bruins window is closing since the tank years.
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