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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Sounds like Dave Andreychick with alot less skill.
  2. I am actually glad Tage didn’t get to play. At that intensity level he wouldn’t have lasted the game. He would’ve come back to Buffalo broken.
  3. Today I also understand that the DMV database is accessible to federal authorities with a warrant. Makes sense to me. Why would we want Musk and his henchmen to access DMV information unfettered?
  4. NY and quite a few other states. I believe the rationale is it helps them get and stay employed.
  5. I think I have finally seen a working rationale for term limits. Mitch McConnell is not running for re-election. He is the only GOP senator to appose the appointments of Gabbard, Kennedy, Hegseth. Apparently, being free of re-election worry has allowed him to vote with a conscious thought towards the safety of the country. Much too little, much too late, but a demonstration of the influence that continually running a campaign has on legislative action nonetheless. i’m in. 2 terms for executive and legislative branches. 10 years for judicial.
  6. Yeah thats my point. Until now at least they had the decency to not wave it around like dollar bills at a strip club. I guess none of us expected transparency to look like this.
  7. Might as well see a witch doctor.
  8. Is it as simple as Trump has baggage on the entire Republican side of the aisle? Or are they all willing to get in line for some future benefit? It used to be that if you were this brazen about it both sides of congress would shut it down.
  9. I am afraid to fact check this.
  10. The big issue isn’t which agency provided the funds, it is that the federal government was able to withdraw it from a NY account. How is that legal?
  11. I can’t really think of another reason. If you are looking for inefficient use of taxpayer money by the federal government, here may be a good example.
  12. Without a doubt. This, I was not aware of.
  13. I don’t know. There is precedent with marijuana laws though. I do mostly agree that as long as they don’t interfere…… I am reminded of sheriffs not enforcing laws they didn’t agree with, like gun laws and covid restrictions. No right wing fervor was noted over law and order then, so I’m not seeing where there should be fervor over this.
  14. Apparently state’s right are a one way street?
  15. Which, of course, is a very different message than the one you are trying to communicate re: freedom. It’s not government programs that inhibit our freedom at all.
  16. If it’s not including high worth congressmen and senators its not targeting the right places.
  17. Tuck, Krebs, and Kulich for Eichel. Git er done!
  18. Honestly, if you treat it more like an entertainment source and less like a meaningful part of you, it doesn’t hurt at all. It’s like the middle Star Wars trilogy is playing right now. At some point there will be a Rogue One and you can buy in then.
  19. No
  20. Given all this, it’s weird that the people with the highest standards of living, happiness quotients (whatever that is), health, life expectancy, birth expectancy, etc all seem to come from countries that provide for their health care, retirement, protection, etc. The cultures with the greatest respect and accountability for their actions all seem to come from those countries as well. My observations, anyway.
  21. And today Trump has been found to be violating a court order to reinstate funding that was halted by his sweeping OMB executive order. So, now it is game on. Will the Trump administration appeal? Will they just ignore? Will they ignore the appeal verdicts? And will any Republicans stand up and do the right thing while this plays out?
  22. Today I learned…… and I hate when that happens because ever time I learn something new, I lose something old to make room. Thats my story, and I am sticking to it.
  23. At the end of the 2-peat I was numb. By the 4th I wasn’t even watching at the end.
  24. GM Howdy Doody. Somewhere in here is an image of Adams and Howdy Doody, and it becomes readily apparent why we’ve never seen both in the same room at the same time.
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