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Everything posted by Weave

  1. And I am with Wookie, that this on the precipice of becoming a nearly unbrealable cycle due to the piling up of errors since the Pegula’s bought the team.
  2. I have this concern. Is KA refusing to move them, or is demand for them less than we believe?
  3. I think Bryson actually has the skillset to play against NHL players. He’s not at all standout in any area, but he’s not sub NHL in general. Clague is the definition of not quite NHL talent. Bryson needs a team that is talented enough that his warts don’t show so readily. Ruhwedel found that team and had a nice career. Will be interesting to see if Bryson can find a similar fit.
  4. Krebs is likely going to have to devote himself to becoming a shutdown forward to maintain an NHL career. Otherwise, he is Europe bound at the end of this contract.
  5. Not surprising, and not upset about it at all. Still could see him scrounging out an NHL career ala Chad Ruhwedel.
  6. Relative to the rest of the race field, the reliable truck is still in the back half.
  7. Give it a week FFS
  8. My suspicion is he becomes notably less gritty on a team without backup. Shades of Connor Clifton.
  9. In the spirit of the ask, I’ll say deadline day. That is the day you learn whether the team is mailing it in, running with what they have, or going for it. After 14 years of watching the team sell at the deadline I get pretty ***** ornery at the happenings on deadline day. #2 is Free Agent day, for similar reasons, but there is still some level of inherent optimism because a fresh nee season is still yet to begin. Draft day is still a day of relative optimism. Shiny new toys that haven’t displayed their warts to us yet.
  10. I don’t read it that way necessarily. If KA uses up alot of your time and energy buy won’t budge on demands to move a deal along, I could see GMs being less willing to work with him. Do I believe that Arizona willingly chose to accept less because Adams? No, I don’t.
  11. And isn’t willing to budge? Plausible.
  12. For the 25% of the players that are typically the most coveted, I am certain the correct word is “incapable”, hence my comment elsewhere that that KA needs to be a recruiter but isn’t much of one. Nonetheless, this can’t be used as an excuse. This team absolutely needs to identify and hire the right GM that is recruiter and closer to pull off a few difference maker deals.
  13. This is it in a nut shell. Easily likable. Certainly entertaining as a player. Love his scoring touch. But that contract was a bad decision.
  14. I think it is very safe to assume that KA is lacking in two key areas. He is not adapt at all at closing a deal, and he is lacking as a recruiter. Unfortunately both of those skills are fairly essential to get us dug out of the friggin hole Terry Pegula dropped this team into.
  15. Did you really think youd beat Brawndo to it?
  16. My reaction is more touchy-feely. I want the RJ I remember, not the RJ that AI was trained to simulate. AI can’t simulate the spontaneous creativity of the moment unfolding. It is a digital copy without innovation. And even if it could have creativity, it wouldn’t be RJs creativity, it would be something similar but “trained”. And it would be another job taken from an actual human being. That might be the final straw for me as a fan.
  17. Gristle. And that assumes the option is there.
  18. Let’s have Dudacek indicate the spirit in which the question is asked. I surely didn’t read it the same way you did.
  19. I’ll give that a pass then. But for me the whole think is sort of icky/creepy.
  20. Does Rick get royalties from the replication of his God given gifts? This AI generated voice/image/art stuff is ***** plagiarism. Hot take over.
  21. I tried to temper my response a bit because it is relative. The rest of the list is all guys who are just potential, whereas Levi had begun showing that he belongs. It is still unknown whether good, bad or meh is his future. At this point all we really know is that this particular scratch off has some level of payoff.
  22. It’s relative. At the end of the day, if the Sabres improve as a result of the trade I am happier than I was before the trade.
  23. Levi and Cozens I know Levi is an NHLer (or reasonably close to know) Cozens is a center, and I am prioritizing center on my roster every time.
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