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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I don't have a lot of clearly memorable hits (or maybe meaningful), but that was one of them. Shony at the zamboni doors, Peca stepping into Domi unawares, Campbell on Umberger, Campbell had another big one behind the net the same season, Maguire dumping Stepan after Probert ran Barasso, and not so much a big hit as a meaningful one.... the hit that led to May vs. Corson in May's rookie year that announced THIS season the Sabres are not foolin'. I'll have to watch the vid now to see what's on there.
  2. Really wanted McKegney there but Vanek was the higher skilled scorer so went with TV. As far as do everything goes, its Ramsay, and I don’t think its close. Selke running in most years. Put up points. Played center and wing. Durable AF.
  3. I went as far as I care to. If you can't see how I probably can't open your eyes.
  4. Same feeling I had re: Ott-Roy back before we hid under a rock for 7 years. I'm game to give this kid a whirl.
  5. Man, you are gonna get some cross looks, out of state plates on the road in this *****? Woody, I know it's not your style, and you're protesting the hell out of this, but you've been exposed to alot. Do everyone a favor here, eh?
  6. Take Rochester or Buffalo prices and double them.
  7. southern CT
  8. Had you went with no job, and irresponsible it would have come off as much less stereotypical than focusing on 8 kids. Just sayin'...
  9. Even Lemieux's team mates didn't stand up for Lemieux. For the record, I'm on your side with the idea that businesses should have the same rainy day expectations as Joe Public.
  10. So, my office is closing down. In January we were told it was closing in September. I was offered a relocation package, but I didn't really wanna go. Accepted the offer figuring it would be a safety net, but I'd find work before then. Well, this virus ***** sure turned that idea upside down. Job market is non existent now so it looks like I'm committed to moving out of state. And on Monday of last week they announced due to market conditions they are moving up the closure to July. How the F am I supposed to buy and sell a home by July with a freaking pandemic lock down? And my new location..... it's a current hotspot for COVID-19. FML
  11. I so needed this unlocked last week....
  12. I know the Supreme Court has ruled this, but no. Corporations are government created entities for the purpose of liability protection. They are not people. Ill save any further diatribe on my part for the politics club if you are so inclined.
  13. I don't think left-ness of Democrat party policy is going to determine who wins the election. I think it is no more complicated than, they need to get the working class back in their corner. And that means speaking to work/labor issues and not social issues. Trump managed to secure the kind of voters that Dems used to be able to rely on. Social issues and left-ness aren't going to matter to those folks.
  14. Apparently Karlos eats grudges like he eats cheeseburgers. I do have to ask, what is the point of bringing up that he has 8 kids in the context of the conversation?
  15. I've never heard a better Derek Plante description. It would be an upgrade. Is it enough upgrade?
  16. It seems there are plenty of party faithful on either side that are getting what they want.......
  17. Good luck, Chz.
  18. Today I weep. My choices boil down to two candidates who are both well beyond their peak abilities. One is despicable, and the other isn't terribly likeable. And not even a 3rd party candidate of any chops.
  19. Even with my relatively minor situations, yes I agree. 2020 go to to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You guys all have my condolences.
  20. I’m pretty sure you missed what I was getting at, but that’s OK. It’s probably not a subject for this thread anyway.
  21. I'm a sucker for Snyder's mustard pretzles.
  22. An EWTN “reporter” blasted by a right wing News opinion site for posing a leading, and likely to stir up controversy, question...... this is obvious seeding. Wow. What a disgrace. I am continually amazed at the volume of people that eat this ***** up.
  23. Lou Franceschetti...... I can picture the horse collar now.
  24. It was funny tho, innit?
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