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Everything posted by Weave

  1. more evidence in my mind that this team is headed towards an internal cap....
  2. I think I got as far as the 4th one. I enjoyed the original trilogy and lost interest at 4. I just don't have high hopes for this movie. Loved the first 3 books. Loved them. The first movie was awful, and everything since was underwhelming. I'm just not convinced that it is a story that works well on screen.
  3. Beans and greens with left over Easter ham.
  4. Convalescenct plasma? To the Googles I go!
  5. Home made mac n cheese. You're good people.
  6. Keep it in the religion thread..... ?
  7. This is well said. Religion is a personal thing. Pushing a message that your religion is more accurate, valid, correct, or whatever the right word is not cool.
  8. Front porch. Glass of whiskey. Feeling pretty darned weird about preparing and eating our traditional Easter dinner even though it was just the two of us.
  9. Yup. There is too Much pride involved.
  10. Would have liked more eras represented in that first group. Mike Foligno drove Bowman nuts with his flighty play and would have fit there. Or Christian Ruutu, Donald Audette, etc.
  11. Connolly and Barnes for me. Connolly was the most talented of the bunch, and most versatile in that he’s a natural center. Stu was just rock solid. Played the game at a high level at both ends of the ice. And you cant have too many centers.
  12. I don't think so. But it's been a long time.
  13. I was kind of surprised to see that this incident being used to note media bias. The story sure was out there. And, while I can't put my finger on any, my impression was that he had this sort of cloud around him. But, doing a quick Google search I see none of the big 4 networks in the first two pages of search results. Plenty of news groups do have articles about this, but the big 4 wasn't among them. it does need to be among the things they are reporting.
  14. Or another method I've used.... I like the first method better.
  15. Curt Gowdy, Jim McKay, and I really enjoyed Jackie Stewart on the Indy 500.
  16. It works well in a cast iron skillet. Get your oven as hot as it can go.
  17. The squeaky shoes episode and the episode where Cliff is given a shocker for impulse control.
  18. So he was. Which means it was well after his rookie season. My timing was off.
  19. AAFL was the previous year. It was an attempt at a developmental league but folded 5 or 6 games into the season. I hold grudges.
  20. Wonder if there are some rotten taters in the bag that the ants are after. I'd assume the ants are eating the potatoes and ditch them.
  21. Future captain in his rookie year (I think) vs. a guy always complained about for his soft play. I wanted to see Barrasso put up a more spirited defence considering that the Maguire hit was in direct response to Probert running Barrasso just a few shifts prior. Never liked Barrasso after that.
  22. I'm already trying not to let the isolation bring on the darkness, I sure as hell don't want to bring these up.
  23. Can't stand Rome. Invites people onto his show and then baits them. Biggest ***** of the 90's. My godson can't catch a break. XFL just suspended operations with no intent to return next season. AAFL shut down on him. He was starting LT for both teams at the time. And he's running out of time to stick in the NFL.
  24. Yeah, nothing historical in that vid. If it happened before 98 it didn't happen.
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