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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Most exciting Derby finish ever.
  2. You know what else sucks about this policy? Cacade Youth isn't a member of this club so even HE won't have the opportunity to continue the conversation.
  3. Yes you can. I also spend a fortune on LaCroix seltzer. I really should buy a soda stream. Or go buy a 1/6 barrel keg like I used to use for homebrewing and carbonate seltzers in bulk and have it on tap........
  4. Very cool. I still get a thrill seeing a bald eagle or an osprey. It wasn't that long ago that seeing these birds were newsworthy in my neck of the woods.
  5. It is a damned shame this post was relegated to the Politics club and therefore won't get much commentary. I agree with the premise. As a whole we could have predicted the responses, and as a whole, we as a society do only seem to react to the short term, to what is right in front of us. Our government is addicted to deficit spending and solutions that are timed to the election cycle, our individual houselholds are addicted to deficit spending. Our corporations make decisions that benefit short term shareholder goals at the expense of longer term societal ones. Every segment of our culture pushes a kick the can down the road mentality. And the run up and aftermath of COVID-19 is an excellent representation of the risk of that kind of culture.
  6. How YOU doin'?
  7. It's not a well fleshed out position, but I occupy it anyway!
  8. This. Is manly.
  9. Wow. Congrats. My search completely died out. I‘m expecting to relocate now.
  10. I can’t watch this. Kleenex are rationed at the local stores.
  11. The weather is seriously hampering my usual go tos for my mental adjustments. I need another 10-15 degrees of air temp and 10-15 degrees of water temp.
  12. Making the team younger and better after a season that was status quo when the standings are compared to the previous one is equally spin-y.
  13. In fairness, he didn’t have a March to lose them in either.
  14. So, what would be the WHO’s motivation for covering for China?
  15. There is a fair amount of overlap between the two groups, unfortunately.
  16. It's hockey. They were all stoned.
  17. You're like 45 minutes late in this very thread, LOL.
  18. I just looked at that roster. There were some damned good NHL'ers on that roster. Several eventual Sabres. Neat.
  19. Because it was an American bio warfare agent that got loose. ? *pulls pin and throws*
  20. I think there is a sizeable part of the population, maybe as high as 20%, that really does not have even a very base level of understanding regarding how this stuff works and they just do what they are told. Explicitly. Because they don't have enough understanding to fill in the blanks and act prudently.
  21. This is all that needs to be said.
  22. Came down to Brent Peterson or Dave Hannan for me. I chose Hannan. But I could have flipped a coin and been OK with the result. Chose ROR over Peca because Peca's greatest asset, his fearless hits, are outlawed today, and I think he'd be too defanged under these rules. Otherwise I think they are nearly equal.
  23. Food often does therauputic things for me. But cooking the meal is a big part of it,
  24. Thats how I read it from a semi-interested distance.
  25. Someone has new music online..... Too bad I don't have a service to listen to it. Cool though, Swamp.
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