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Everything posted by Weave

  1. The big issue (at least for me) is that, as a person of working age and otherwise healthy, how do I reduce my risk when I am told we are going back to normal? I'm not immuno-suppressed. My underlying condition that puts me at greater risk for the worst of this disease is shared by millions of other people who are also otherwise healthy. So I go into the risk pool when it is decided to flip this switch back on, but the risks aren't the same for me. I wouldn't be in the class of people that we think of as needing protection like the elderly or those with suppressed immune systems.
  2. I'll watch another time. One of the subjects that led me away from the Republican party is their full denial of our effects on the environment and global warming as a party platform. In my opinion it is a stance based solely on short term shareholder effects and energy company influence. Not unlike the push to re-open the economy ASAP. Democrats don't have a great track record here either. It's not like they've pushed with much effort for meaningful change. Corporate dollars has influenced the Dems as well. But at least its in their policy discussions and party platform.
  3. Yup. Much closer to domestic terrorists.
  4. My wife was given some face masks made by an elderly lady who is giving them out to everyone she knows. One of them is a print of $100 bills. We ordered food tonight from a restaurant owned by friends of ours. They are about 30 yrs old. I walked in wearing the $100 bill mask and she says, "nice mask". I reply with "dolla dolla bill y'all". She busts out laughing saying she did not expect that from me. Wu Tang Clan ain't nuthin to ***** with.
  5. Weave

    Kim Jong-un

    Still waiting for mainstream media to report this. If accurate, Will be interesting to see how this changes NK.
  6. Pretty sure that was his intent 6 posts ago.
  7. From what I understand, the greatest risk factors for the worst of this disease are high blood pressure, obesity, heart issues, and diabetes. That may not be a majority of people, but it isn't an overwhelming majority that aren't in one of those groups. That's a ton of folks.
  8. I've got an underlying condition that has me a bit freaked out about this whole thing. Nothing has gotten my dander up in a long time like hearing folks that are Ok with the risks to bring some normalcy back. It's hit the point where I need to filter what I read/see. I'm getting downright angry with folks that are OK with the risk. I'm not OK with it.
  9. I got out of the house today and hit the lake. Didn't catch a damned thing, but man did it feel good. Hearing the loons from across the lake was a bonus. Their call is just magic. I'll be on the water again tomorrow. Need. More. Medicine.
  10. There is no depth before there is a good team on the ice first. It would have to be the right player at the right position, but I would do it. Who's got a good 2C, 24-27 yrs old, on a team with cap issues? Could we move the 1st rd pick for a goalie? What would that look like?
  11. i didn't see the video, but from what little I've read it sure sounded like a blatant statement that Democrat leaning states would be treated differently than Republican leaning states. And if accurate, that's just plain bull *****. We're all Americans.
  12. In all fairness, LGR4GM is pretty self winding.
  13. Interesting (to me anyway) article about how different countries are reacting to this outbreak. The point the author makes is an interesting one, that countries using technology to track people’s movements are having to enact less draconian measures than countries not tracking movement and contacts. The end result is that countries not tracking movement are forced to use more freedom diminishing methods to control the rate of infections than countries using methods we would consider depriving of freedoms. The forest for the trees, maybe? https://www.city-journal.org/covid-19-and-technology
  14. PT Barnum had a saying about people like this. You sure as hell can complain about something without knowing what the fix is. You can complain about the quality of food in a restaurant without knowing a damned thing about cooking. You can complain about issues you are having with your car without knowing how to design the fix. You can complain about air flights being chronically late without knowing how to schedule flights. And the way you get all these things fixed is by voting with your feet and wallet. Loss of demand for a product is a wonderful motivator of businesses.
  15. My understanding is that they will still mail you a check.
  16. It depends on your income level. I don’t remember the number, but above a certain income you don’t qualify. Whether or not you paid taxes at return time or received a refund doesn’t matter.
  17. Hockey in July? Why bother. There is life outside that needs living....
  18. LOL I'll give you points for consistency, even if it is misguided.
  19. Then you have no idea how well this community supports an entertaining team.
  20. Players want to come to winners. The amount of time it's been since you've heard positive things is equal to the amount of time this team has been bad. How soon you've forgotten the hysteria around here in '05-06. The problem is, the stupid moves the team made started showing up right around '07.
  21. It is interesting how consistently you place blame on the fans. The fans are there and willing to support. They have not been provided anything worth supporting. You have it ass backwards. And the best fan bases absolutely stay home when the team sucks for long periods. Every team has an amazing fanbase when they are winning. Every team has a library for an arena when they aren't. Except Toronto. They are too stupid to know the difference.
  22. Oof. Good luck. I'm tired of job upheaval. I wish I knew what I could/want to do to work for myself. I really dislike working for corporate America.
  23. This ***** must be super serious. Germany canceled Oktoberfest.
  24. Plowburn
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