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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Lots of crazy out there tonight. Seems to be some obvious anarchists at work.
  2. \m/ Sounds great, swamp!
  3. Hawerchuck and Turgeon with the rest of that stacked lineup in 92-93? Do we get past Montreal if we had two healthy centers at the top of the lineup? It's an interesting thought.
  4. I won't support burning communities, but proportion does matter. Proportion is important because it points to behavioral trends. This happens to blacks way more often than it happens to whites. Yes, it happens to whites too, but the proportion of events is ridiculous. And why do we point fingers based on politics? The cartoon says it all. The right staged armed protests over masks and social distancing. Where is the right's protest over police brutality, whether it happens to a white man or black? It's not hard to point out the displaced priority here. One is protest for a feigned outrage, the other is over actual loss of life and liberty. When do we see the right protest? Over taxes, over a change in enforcement of grazing rights on federal lands, over the dismantling of statues. Actual life and liberty events bring silence. We have a problem with law enforcement actions too frequently out of proportion with the offense committed. I see it as a function of a "cops should be able to go home" mentality which creates a mindset that the police are more important than the people they interact with, a fraction of the police force that has an authority complex, and a racism problem in some fraction of law enforcement. I think the first item is trained into them and is therefore systemic. The second and third though IMO are the primary drivers of these events, although I wouldn't be surprised if this guy's defense is," that's what I was trained to do". Regardless, we need these events to stop, whether it be through training reform or better screening of police candidates and a purge of cops who just don't have an acceptable personality for the job. Unfortunately, the only times these events get attention are when riots break out, which makes the riots almost inevitable. I agree that a man getting his neck kneeled on for 8 minutes is wholly unnecessary for the crime of trying to pass a phony $20 bill, regardless of color. And we should be outraged regardless of color. But we shouldn't ignore that it happens far more often to black men than it happens to whites.
  5. He wasn’t reaching a conclusion though. If anything he was questioning those that had already reached theirs.
  6. 0311 I saw your response but wasn't able to get around to responding to it before it was deleted. Understand your complaint. It has validity. That cartoon has problematic imagery. I didn't post it because I equate Trump supporters with filthy hillbillies. Despicables and all that. Trump support goes way beyond the stereotype in that political cartoon. It was more the message I saw that was worthy of conversation, as opposed to the specific imagery. The hypocrisy of freedom touting people on the right decrying the mask requirements as infringement and yet supporting police activities that result in death in the name of law and order.
  7. I get PA's point. I don't know if it is accurate, but I get it. Too lazy to verify, but I'm relatively sure Yzerman was in the playoffs in year 2, and another year or two before the dominant team was built. So maybe there was early evidence that Yzerman was going places. I think there is a real chance that Eichel is Turgeon2.0. I'm sure he's a better player, but is he the right player? I don't know. And I think that is PA's point. Maybe if he isn't the right player he can grow into it. Turgeon was not the same guy after 7-8 yrs that he was in Buffalo. But he was also becoming a secondary piece as well. Not to say Jack is destined to be a secondary piece, just that he might not be the right player, right now. In the end I most strongly suspect that Jack is the right guy, but needs more around him. But I acknowledge the possibility that it might not be the case.
  8. I’m skeptical even of a Shanny role. I keep hearing motivator/communicator. If there is not much else there isn’t much separation from con man.
  9. Larry Robinson. Stevie Y. Only ones I can think of.
  10. If Simmonds is the 13th forward rotating in with Okposo and Girgensons it might be tolerable. But that is an expensive “luxury”. I’d like better.
  11. Today, this is what this country has become.
  12. These two items are enough to make me reluctant to jump on any bandwagon.
  13. Is that even possible?
  14. The only thing that works for me is wearing my glasses further down my nose.
  15. O guess they learned that when you call yourself out for not being good enough you get traded for a bunch of chumps. At first I thought that was a replay of last years interview.
  16. Some interesting quotes coming out of this. The frustration. The desire to see a tougher, more veteran team.
  17. This incident is worthy of its own thread. So much to say about it that isn't related to Trump. Except, "It is ok, I am sure our stable genius will calm the masses down ." That one is worthy of being here. And meanwhile Donald is exacting revenge on Twitter for having the nerve to fact check him.
  18. I get it. But I’m not exactly going to notice the loss in interest from $200ish over 12 months. It’s not like plan B was to put that money on black, spin the wheel, and come home with a retirement fund.
  19. Doesn't. Move. the. Needle. At. All. *cares enough to post saying he doesn't care*
  20. The world hopes the only panties of mine that I am throwing are virtual ones. We'll find a way to go next year. They are a bucket list band for me. I'm buying tickets regardless. Its the airfare and hotel I want back. I'm not using those.
  21. Wait...3 people actually downloaded a file that Inkman uploaded?
  22. Question 1, hell no I wouldn't go in that venue. Question 2, if they put actual, data driven numbers to it, it might keep me at home permanently. The last thing I need caught in my head is that a trip somewhere had a 1 in 20 chance of risking exposure, or whatever number.
  23. Yeah, I saw the notice today. Time to call the airlines and hotel and see how much I am eating. This sucks, but I wasn't comfortable with the idea anyway. I'm going to watch just to see if we make eye contact over the interwebs.
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