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Everything posted by Weave

  1. At least Rand Paul has woken from his slumber. Now call out Trump directly you coward.
  2. Yeah, when you see what year that monument was made......... are they planning on Thanos snapping his finger?
  3. Never heard of them. Interesting.
  4. No. I would do the same for them that I am doing now when they are being treated to unconstitutional behavior. Nice try though.
  5. The garage cannot be the coolest place in your lot to put that, is it?
  6. I'm glad we were able to drag that out of you. And yes I am very aware that I am painting them as enemies of democracy. I would expect you to do the same to me if I kept my mouth shut when some agency dumped you in a rented van for voicing your displeasure over taxes, religious freedom, firearms, or whatever some other group might not want you to protest about, especially if I've spent considerable effort trying to tell everyone that my viewpoint was predicated upon defense against the very tyranny that is happening,
  7. My last post came off as needlessly harsh. I'm not sure of the wording to get my point across and not sound needlessly harsh. I'm doing what I am actually able to do. If I were in a position to do more, would I? I don't know. I'm not a violent man. I'm not cut for it. But I do what I can when I can.
  8. Speaking of blanket statements..... What action have I taken? I'm at least speaking out against it. I'm making my displeasure known. My voice as a gun owner is being heard. I want the country to see that I won't stand for it. It's doing a helluva lot more than you are in defense of tyranny.
  9. Or they could use that threat to show the other side the validity of their argument. And, you know, do the right thing for democracy in the process. There is no doubt in my mind that 2A groups are supportive of what is being done here. The venom and hate that has been spewed towards the left makes it pretty evident to me what is going on here. Nope, you have it right. I support limitations on some things, but I'm a gun guy that is actively involved in the sport. I hear and talk to the folks at the ranges, clubs, and meets. I'm pretty sure I have a good understanding of the mindset.
  10. The silence from 2A groups over this matter is truly deafening. They may not be actively supporting what is going on in Portland, but they certainly are standing by and watching it unfold without so much as a whimper. Again, given the oft stated position that the relevance of 2A is to fight tyranny, both foreign and domestic, the silence now tells me that they are some combination of, blind to the tyranny that is now occurring, supportive of the tyranny, bluffing and have no intention of using their guns against domestic tyranny, or... well you get the idea. I find it rather telling that we had armed militia members overtaking a state capital building over a pandemic lockdown (and those armed militia members recieved vocal, public support from other 2A groups), but yet when real acts of tyranny take place the armed militia types are staying quiet and staying home. It's not a stretch at all to read political leanings into this. The 2A types were loudly and publicly vocal when a family of ranchers were being kicked off land that they didn't own, and didn't have a right to be using, but they aren't saying a word when people are being snatched off the street and whisked away in unmarked vans by unmarked Federal government officials. It's pretty obvious that the reason for the difference in reaction is due squarely to the politics involved with the people on the recieving end of the government actions, and the party of the President ordering those actions.
  11. Their employer is duty bound to ensure a work environment free from sexual harassment whether either of them complain about this incident or not. Company management has to act in the interests of company ownership and reduce their liability. They know these comments were out there. They know it was about a co-worker. It most definitely requires the company to do what is necessary to prevent an environment of sexual harassment. Could they have suspended Roenick? Sure but, see below. Frankly, being a media company, they need to protect their reputation to protect their brand. No media company will want to associate what Roenick said with their brand. This really is a zero tolerance situation. Edit to add- Victims often don't complain. For many reasons. Her silence is most definitely not evidence of acceptance. Given company awareness of the comments, lack of a complaint doesn't absolve the company from legal liability in the event that there is legal action somewhere down the road. This was a very public statement. The company knows it was said, and everyone else knows as well. Maybe she feels pressured to keep her mouth shut this time. Maybe 3 or 4 times down the road she decides to no longer keep her mouth shut and files suit. No company can afford that potential liability. Are you willing to bet that a jury of peers won't find that the company should have been reasonably aware of the possibility of a harassing environment after this?
  12. Its not about whether she will sue or not. It is about the likelihood of a valid lawsuit over the incident if she were to decide she wanted to do it. The network now has liability regardless of whether anyone thinks she is the kind to sue or not. No network is going to accept that kind of liability.
  13. Defend against the tyranny on display like they did when the stay at home orders were made.
  14. I've eaten more than my share of fish. I've never had smoked whitefish. Wasn't a thing in my family, and I've never sought it out. I do remember when it was a regular item in the grocery store. I find perch to be superior to walleye. Just as mild flavored, maybe a touch sweeter, but the difference to me is perch flesh is firmer than walleye. Better texture. Walleye is definitely a close #2 for fresh water fish.
  15. OMG that pup is adorable
  16. I seem to recall early on in China that virus spread in some apartment buildings were linked to disconnected sewer vent lines.
  17. And this is what I feel our country just isn’t getting. The whole concept of masks and social distancing is about protecting those around you, not protecting you. You’re choices are affecting the risk of people who haven’t made the same risk determination you’ve made.
  18. How many media figures do you know that get to accumulate stupid comments before removal? The only ones I can think of are the ones who's stock and trade are controversy. Any mainstrean media outlet personality is expected to not put their foot in their mouth, and when they do the reaction is pretty consistent across media outlets. They don't get trusted to not do it again.
  19. Stating that you want to have sex with a co-worker (or whatever the exact detail was) isn't garden variety stupid stuff though. That is termination material every time. It's self evident, really. And has nothing to do with "the world we live in today". It violates every workplace norm, and every broadcast norm outside of shock jock broadcasting.
  20. I got that. Physics covered it pretty well so I didn’t see the need to expand upon it.
  21. I'm comfortable with the firing regardless of whether he knew these people well or not. If he is predisposed to say THAT on the air, I wouldn't want him on the air for any program I am responsible for. He's demonstrated that he is a liability in front of a microphone now.
  22. Ban was a mistype. I meant to say require. You're doing the implying. I am referring to the actual words. It was factual. The Gov is preventing the local gov'ts from requiring masks. It is what it is. A law is not worth the paper it is written on without a penalty for non-compliance.
  23. Bourbon in my glass. Big pour. I need it.
  24. Right. In other words, the Governor denied the ability of counties and cities to ban masks, exactly what was reported. So, not fake news.
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