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Everything posted by Weave

  1. If only health care and politics weren't so intertwined.....
  2. Niagara River? Yeah, getting a good drift takes some experience. You’ve got to use your trolling motor to combat the wind so the boat matches the river current. In my teens and 20’s I fished the river alot. There is really good fishing to be had, especially smallmouth bass, but mastering drifting is key. If you don’t have a trolling motor you might be better off anchoring in front of the Huntley power plant and fan casting, or drifting a slip float rig.
  3. Bob Evans You're welcome.
  4. My gut keeps telling me Tage is Luke Adam 2.0. AHL all star, doesn’t quite have the tool set for The Show. I hope he proves me wrong.
  5. You heard it here first.
  6. They are the COVID-19 of insects. I'm sure there are disbelievers.
  7. Canadians are such polite rules followers.
  8. All the Buffalo.
  9. This is why we can't have nice things.....
  10. Yellow Jackets are *****. Just sayin'.
  11. That was my thought too. Serious lack of professionalism all the way around.
  12. And, of course, it'll get moved to the politics club and die a slow death.
  13. Similar to sentiments I've posted in this thread.... I don't know anything about this "Really American" account on Twitter, but I share their thoughts here.
  14. Interesting, but fairly long article in the Atlantic. History will judge the complicit 1940's France collaborators (the thought process seems eerily similar, methinks) The story of Lindsey Graham is so disappointing, especially in contrast to Mitt Romney. And the damning thought process that appears to drive so many Trump collaborators
  15. I need to read up on this. I'd like to hope that there wasn't profiteering from someone behind this. This sort of thing has sure been fought hard against in the past.
  16. Awesome !!! Cheek meat, for the win! Best part of a walleye. Tomorrow AM I'll be on the water for the first time in almost 2 months. The fish don't stand a chance.
  17. There are a lot of good fans that have been bad fans over the last 7 years.
  18. A weird, bittersweet day. We locked the doors on the office for the final time. Had a liquid lunch at a nearby park and said goodbye to some really awesome people. Word of my leaving got around and I was inundated with phone calls from colleagues all over the world. I was overwhelmed by the sentiments I was hearing. It's heartwarming to know you've made that kind of impact. I haven't felt this relaxed since before the announcement was made on Jan 2.
  19. Mmmmm.... death
  20. And national tequila day today. I’m celebrating!
  21. Interesting report in the Wall Street Journal today. The usual influenza wave in the southern hemisphere doesn't appear to be taking shape. Assumption is that all of the protective measures for COVID is resulting in the influenza virus not getting an opportunity to get foothold. Could be good news for later this year in the US. If we stay diligent with masks and distancing maybe there isn't an influenza outbreak this season to compound COVID. I'd link it but it is paywalled.
  22. Im thinking something catastrophic. Seattle Aftershocks or Pyroclastic Flow
  23. “It’s so crazy it just might work”
  24. My own awesome contribution.... My rollercoaster is pulling into station. At the 11th hour I received an unbelievable job offer. I’m staying relatively local. Will need to move about 30 minutes away to retain a 35-40 minute commute. Moving further away from civilization, but not so far from home. Moving 6hrs away from our son and 4 elderly parents was really stressing us out. Now we can stay 75-90 minutes away instead. And we won’t be so close to an early COVID hotspot. I start in 4 weeks. It’ll be long hours and alot of responsibility, but worth it to be close should something come up. Swamp, it’ll still be a journey for that Manhattan.
  25. Biodork sighting! Awesome!
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