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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Imo if Larsson leave it guarantees Cozens has a center spot on the team this coming season.
  2. Unless he can transplant his intangibles into Casey I think it won't make a difference.
  3. Just be careful that the oil doesn't get underneath the gloves, especially with anything stronger than serranos or jalapenos. Up until a couple of years ago I grew hot -peppers as a hobby and made all kinds of fun, spicy things. The first time I processed a big mess of habaneros I got some juice or whatever you want to call it under the latex gloves I was wearing. The spot where the liquid was trapped against my skin had burns very much like chemical burns. That hurt. Oh, and if you are putting those peppers in a food processor, when done chopping them up don't be in a big hurry to open the lid and get a close look at the results. One whiff of what has been vaporized is every bit as rough as being sprayed with Mace. I did not realize I could produce that much mucous in such a short period of time.
  4. That is a lesson that only needs to be learned once.
  5. Christian Ehrhoff all over agin, innit? Wasn’t it Terry who drove the Ehrhoff signing because he liked his game?
  6. Pfft. Big government liberals.. ?
  7. ?
  8. An entire operational team walking out voluntarily is usually not planned culture change.
  9. I'd buy an Ooni in a heart beat. They use surprisingly little wood to get up to temp, and they get up to temp fast, but I don't need another gadget, so I am going to be patient and either do the outdoor oven or Egg style grill/oven. And, when is it ever not appropriate to crave good pizza?
  10. Unfortunately, I think the horse is already out of the barn. It was let our before Trump was elected, really. We had a fairly normal, boring administration up until 3.5 yrs ago, and what did we get? Birther conspiracies, gun and ammo hoarding, right wing standoffs over public land use. I didn't want to think it at the time, but I'm convinced now that a black man being put in a position of leadership over the entire country set off a spark that is turning into a California wild fire. A Biden administration will attempt to undo what was done over the last 3.5 years and there is no doubt in my mind that the right is going to become very active in resisting all of it.
  11. A buddy of mine has one. He takes it camping with him. Very credible pizzas come out of it. If I don't build a pizza oven I'll buy a Big Green Egg or equivalent. They will get hot enough for good pizza.
  12. My next house WILL have an outdoor wood fired pizza oven. Rakish, I like the fan idea. I hadn't seen a fan in the plans I've seen online. Get that oven up to at least 650 degrees or just call take out. 700-750 is better still. And, what LTS said about cup and char 'roni.
  13. Kid in Kenosha walked right by the cops, rifle on display, as a shooting just occurred, and the cops never stopped him to inquire. Of course the ensuing arrest well after the fact was peaceful. The optics are just awful, regardless. And so many of these have come out on on top of another. All explained away in many circles. At some point the optics of it dominate. You can’t expect this many unarmed people to get shot and not have significant push back.
  14. 2nd tier league. Seems about right. I don’t think he’ll have an NHL career of any significance.
  15. Weave


    I have no recollection of the last 4 days. My traveling ID is missing. I'm oddly relaxed this morning. I have strange memories of alot of time in a vehicle, a fake Russian accent and the hills of Pennsylvania maybe? Or maybe that was just the first week at the new job. Stand down, folks. It's all beginning to come back to me now.
  16. Hooked the trailer up at 0 dark 30 this AM with the intent to get some fishing in since the wind died down to nothing. Did my walkaround before leaving the driveway and found my trailer license plate missing. WTF? Not sure when that might've happened. I do a walkaround every time before I drive off. So, instead of a morning on the water I will be spending the morning in the DMV. It went from awesome to suck in a hurry.
  17. It is as long as you aren't collecting a network TV paycheck.
  18. The right word isn’t at my fingertips, but government accepted killings is close enough I guess.
  19. Surely you can acknowledge that government sanctioned killings are quite a different issue than civilian killings, and government may actually listen when there is protests. How does one reach individual citizens with this sort of protest?
  20. Weave


    *cough* Yuri *cough*
  21. Weave


    *mumbles something unintelligible *
  22. 9pm and we have a brown out. Lovely. Nothing like unplugging everything and going to bed....
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