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Everything posted by Weave

  1. We were in Wyoming Co today and saw a flyer for the Butter Meat Co. They are advertising, mature, full grown beef, not 1st year cows. Specifically, 6-7 yr old dairy cows, so basically, retired heifers. They claim better, fuller flavor. Full range of cuts, hot dogs, bologna, etc. Old dairy cows never struck me as a source for good beef for the table. in the past I have derided places with cheap beef as likely old dairy cows, nonetheless my curiosity was up, so we went. Small storefront. Small cooler. The only thing they had available at the time we were there that wasn't frozen was a skirt steak, a few packages of their hotdogs, and a couple of bologna rounds. The bologna was not the big, fat lunchmeat style. It looked more like a longer summer sausage. Some of the cuts were priced per steak, some of them were priced per pound. They were mostly on the higher side of price, but not all of the cuts were expensive. The lady at the counter told us all of the steaks are cut 2" thick (!?!?!!) and the ribeyes are cut tomahawk style with untrimmed bones. I bet those are impressive. Judging by the price, they seem very proud of their strip steaks. I didn't want to spend bunch of money on something I wasn't sure of, and I was hoping to have it for dinner tonight. The skirt steak in the display cooler was rolled up and vacuum packaged so I couldn't really get a look at it. It was priced per steak at $15 (or $18 I honestly don't remember which) and she said the skirt steaks ranged in size between 2-3lbs. Minimal financial risk if we didn't like it so I bought a skirt steak, a bologna round, and a package o' dogs. $43 including tax. Not cheap. Not silly expensive either. Got the steak home and unpackaged it. It was an untrimmed steak. Still had a bunch of fat on the backside and a fair amount of silver skin. I spent about 10 minutes trimming it up to get a proper skirt steak for the grill. I wish I had weighed it before I started trimming. It was longer than my longest cutting board, and I have some pretty big cutting boards. No way this thing was under 3lbs untrimmed. I cut it in half so I could work with it. The meat was a noticeably deeper red color than even good supermarket beef. I seasoned it up with salt, pepper, garlic powder and onto a screaming hot grill she went. (I guess I can assume she, it is a retired dairy cow) 2-3 minutes per side and medium to medium rare. Cut thin against the grain and served with a side of fried peppers and onions and refried beans. And the verdict was.... It was neither more tender nor more tough than a typical grocery store skirt steak. If pressed I'd say it was more tender than average, but not by alot. The texture was different, and I can't put my finger on exactly what the difference was. Not objectionable in any way, just a little different. Flavor was good. My wife felt it tasted "better" than grocery store beef. If there was a difference, it was small enough that I would need a side by side comparison to be convinced. I tried the meat both hot and after it had cooled to room temp. At room temp I thought maybe I picked something up, but it could easily be the power of suggestion too. Regardless, the steak was very enjoyable and well worth the price and the effort of trimming it properly. And an NY Baco Noir paired very nicely with it. Next time we are in that area we are going to step up and try either a filet or NY strip. We'll see if there is a more noticeable difference with a more premium cut. The skirt steak convinced us that the risk is low of a disappointing steak. They are located in the village of Perry, so if you are in the area or maybe visiting Letchworth, they are worthy of checking out IMO. 2 of those dogs go on the grill for lunch tomorrow. We'll see how they do........
  2. If I were a betting man I'd put money on the Sabres not even noticing Larsson's absence. I think we've vastly overrated him.
  3. Yes, this is the Sabrespace equivalent of Saint Helena Island. If you dare to post an opinion counter to one that is tolerated the post comes here to be ignored.
  4. Is that $4.1M value just above the threshold that allows for walkaways? Maybe what he really wants is FA status.
  5. PM the new Reddit location please? As mentioned, the old reddit group essentially shut down. Since then I've used various sources with limited satisfaction.
  6. This is the unfortunate reality we are facing here. I think you nailed it. And I think this is going to end our Great Experiment.
  7. I think that story explains in a nutshell what the ROR issue was to ownership.
  8. Where they were slotted only matters for their 1sst round pick and maybe some years the 2nd round pick. After that whether you are picking 68 or 82 really isn't significant overall in terms drafting expectations. Have we missed more 1st round picks than league average, or even league top 1/3? Too disinterested to look myself, but I think that is a much more realistic expectation. They absolutely should be getting better 1st round pick performance than 2/3 of the league.
  9. A quarantine involving NY, CT, NJ won't work because the entire workforce in southern CT, southeastern NY, and NJ would be shut out. The tri-state area is a massive commuter zone and employers would be required by law to respect that. I know it would pretty much shut down my former employer.
  10. Didn’t Vegas say flat out that MAF is not available after Lehners surgery was announced? We’re done with offseason moves IMO. The options are too limited right now.
  11. Mike Ramsey. In an era with 2 generational talents lighting the league up, the guy who could simply shut ***** down was under appreciated. Top pair D man, PK lock down guy, saw PP time as well, 4 all star games, 1980 Miracle on Ice member, USA Hockey HOF member. 2nd choice, Mogilny. Cold war intrigue and crazy talented. He’s what Afinogenov wishes he could have been.
  12. Thats true. My reply was meant to explain why none of the other outlets were mentioning it. It is literally old news. Historically I always considered CNN to be rather neutral. They seem to me to have become heavily anti-Trump biased. I’m hoping once he leaves office we see a more centrist reporting from them.
  13. Correction: NY Post, not NYT, which is definitely a right leaning publication that is not above publishing conspiracy theories. The Washington Post did publish an article discrediting this conspiracy theory in 2019. It is old news at this point. Two GOP led Senate investigations reached the conclusion that there was no wrong doing, that Biden was carrying out official US policy, and that the prosecutor in the story wasn't even assigned to the investigation during the time this supposedly took place. There is official testimony that this prosecutor was fired for NOT investigating, which is directly counter to the claim being made. There doesn't appear to be any evidence supporting this story, and a bunch of evidence that it is not a story at all. I'm betting the NY Post isn't reporting this. From Washington Post as well:
  14. Except I think that is Wawrow.
  15. Man, Mitts has so little value to me right now that I would do that deal without pause.
  16. When punctuation matters.
  17. We were busy waiting for tomorrow. It goes by.
  18. Then he’ll need to mesh well with Skinner to get that contract.
  19. Another one day NHL contract for a game against TBL?
  20. It will be interesting to see who gets the larger portion of Jacks feeds. THAT might determine who we choose for a longer term deal.
  21. I think he’s going to have to learn a new role, which will take ton of work and devotion. As dynamic as his hands are, I don’t think the rest is NHL top 6 caliber.
  22. My recollection was that Johannson did not look ready for the NHL in his handful of appearances last season.
  23. Bust. 😇
  24. Frequently sounds like predominantly. Ralph is pretty stubborn with his lines. IMO it would take rather disappointing performance for him to split it up if he starts with it.
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