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Everything posted by Weave

  1. If that had laces at the neck it would be perfect.
  2. If we’re talking strength of character, Appollo Creed was probably the worst of the 1st three movies. Lang and Drago were both better/stronger opponents. If that’s not what you are referring to, explain yourself. I got nuthin past the first 3 movies. I gave up by then.
  3. *eyeroll No, I won’t proclaim him the generational player that gets tossed around here, or even elite, until he actually is.
  4. Who said I doubt he gets better? I didn't. But I won't proclaim it until it is actually true.
  5. It's just editorial on appearance. You aren't supposed to feel anything other than your own opinion on appearance.
  6. And that is pretty much Inky's point. The kid has a bunch of developing to do before he should be annointed anything more than best 19 yr old NHL defenseman currently. Ligers reaction to it is like Old Faithful. Or that cauldera in Yellowstone waiting to end human suffering.
  7. I think we are at a point where the idea of armed resistance to the US government is a fantasy. In that regard 2A is obsolete. You know very well the operational capabilities of our military and what they could do to armed resistance. The only way the citizens come out on top of that is if the military is on the side of the civilian resistors, and in that case the civilian guns aren’t really the important ones.
  8. I think we’ve been shown quite conclusively by the riots over the last few months that if the professionals with guns agree with your political affiliation they’ll be happy to simply watch you storm a government building.
  9. I’ll take it a step further. It’s not enough to not defend him (I couldn’t make that sentence work without the double negative, sorry). Trump is so awful in character that I think we are at the point where if you aren’t speaking up against him you are part of the problem. How does that saying go? The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
  10. I’m with Eleven. The word “Buffalo” on the bottom is awful.
  11. There is no such thing as awful cheese. They all have their delicious place. Provolone is really mild in flavor and melts easily. That makes it a good utility sandwich cheese. But its no all star. It pretty much limits out as a sandwich cheese. Not quite the Matt Ellis of cheeses. More like the Scott Arniel of cheeses. In the right role it is a worthy addition.
  12. Not an individual jersey post. it was a full panel with like 6 teams jerseys leaked, but it showed the front crest and jersey in full for all of them. Boston was one, Pittsburgh and Toronto, maybe? Don't remember the other teams. It was the same type of post/panels that leaked the other details leading up to this. I hadn't seen it previously. Looked legit, not like the single pick of just the Sabres jersey mocked up.
  13. I saw it and now can't find it. Wonder if it was taken down. It was butter knives.
  14. It's out on twitter now.
  15. Timothy Dalton and it's not even close. He just didn't have any of the traits the character was supposed to have. It's like Tom Cruise playing Jack Reacher. Oh.. wait.
  16. I don't hate that goathead. Don't love it either. At least it's not black and red.
  17. Pretty sure it is a time-distance thing, not just distance.
  18. I do think kids today have a much healthier idea of work life balance than we do.
  19. Pimlach, your experience with leading millennials in engineering fields mirrors mine. Then again, I’ve only found distraction to be an issue when someone is not being challenged sufficiently, and there is no age block more affected by that than any other.
  20. You guys are doing social media all wrong. All that garbage can be weeded out of your feed.
  21. I'm pro BJ's, but probably wouldn't make a good Presidential candidate.
  22. Noone called you a racist. They said you were enabling a racist. It's the simple definition of the word "enabling". By voting for someone who encourages bigotry you are assisting to put them into a position that allows them to continue encouraging bigotry. You are likely not a bigot and racist, and probably voted for Trump for some other reason, but the act of voting for him is helping to put him in a position where he can continue his bigoted behavior. That is classic enabling. Did the end justify the means? If so, then own it. For example, Bill Clinton. Those that voted for him the second time around prioritized something over his White House sexual escapades. If you voted for 2nd term Clinton, you were by definition enabling his behavior. Those voters weren't cheating dirtbags necessarily, but they sure enabled one. Again, if the end justified the means, own it. You voted for a dirtbag because you prioritized something higher than the character of the candidate. Doesn't mean you have the same character. It does mean you found that character acceptable enough to choose something else as your deciding issue. Editing to add- Enabling is the right word for supporting a candidates good things too. You vote for a candidate because you like his tax plan and by voting for him you are enabling him to act on it. Or maybe the tax plan is your trigger item but he also want to start Space Force. By voting for him for his tax plan you are enabling him to go down the Space Force path too. Enabling cuts both ways. giggle, giggle. Space Force Bwahahahahahahaha!
  23. It's tiktok. I ain't clickin.
  24. I think they are trying to infect the President Elect. Oh wait. I just saw the date of that tweet. Nevermind.
  25. Relative to the Bruins, we were playing catch up alot of the time. In my fanhood the only times I think we were too much for Boston was the May, Ray, Barnaby years. And the short time John Scott was here. But we were game most of the rest of the time. Possibly outmatched, but game.
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