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Everything posted by Weave

  1. And a lucky fan from Elma catches that souvenir.
  2. Aaaah so it is perfume! 😂
  3. I just hope he’s not drinking his wife’s perfume.
  4. The hell is that?
  5. There is a mic drop offering.
  6. I think this is more right than wrong.
  7. If you had a medical anomaly that caused a ***** ton if controversy and abuse, especially one surrounding your most personal traits how willing would you be to publicly talk about it? And the IBA was permanently banned by the Olympics, how bad of an organization do you have to be to get permanently banned?
  8. https://apnews.com/article/olympics-2024-imane-khelif-boxing-gender-7b171980b05bcef2117a7615f212eba9
  9. Except that wasn’t the issue in this case.
  10. It is easier to assume everything is simple and judge.
  11. No data to back it up, but I have always suspected that squeaky brakes were more likely the result of pad material rather than quality of the prep/installation. Not sure if lower quality materials results in squeaking, or just specific materials (at any price point).
  12. I saw Gary Clark jr in the original, semi indoor venue just a few weeks ago.
  13. Presumptuous thread title. If the Dems don’t keep their majority in the Senate, her term would look alot like Obama’s second term with a heavy “we’re not going to allow them a single win” form of non-governance.
  14. Hope you don’t get rained on.
  15. Just got home. I was cursed somewhere along the way. Getting it out of the way….. the 4 bands were terrific. Keb Mo was worth the price of admission all by himself. And Slash? If anyone can turn a blues set heavy and ballsy, it’s Slash. Loud, heavy, and masterful guitar work. *chef’s kiss* But I was cursed somewhere along the way. Bought these tickets when the show was first announced. My wife wanted to go with my son and I. Not sure why. She’s never been to a proper rock show. She’s been to a few pop type shows. Maybe it was bonding time with our son. Maybe it was jealousy of the stories and smiles we always come home with. Whatever it was, she insisted she wanted to go. So I sprung for 3 tix. A couple of weeks ago she announced she is not going and is going to spend the evening with our daughter in law instead. There it is, omen 1. I offered the ticket to a buddy, who accepted. A week ago my buddy calls and has to decline. He had a fall and busted up his knee. He’s out. Another buddy couldn’t take the ticket. I might have to eat this one. Omen 2. Friday my son informs me he is out too. Covid. *****. Omen 3. I told My wife that I am going solo and she said, nope she’s going too since hanging with DIL is out now that covid is in their house. Omen 4. Plan was to leave our house at 1, pregame in the village for a bit, head to the venue shortly after the gate opens, and enjoy the show. We both took Wednesday off so we could enjoy the show and not fuss over getting home. Wife couldn’t get out of work until 3. We rushed in to Lewiston, ate a meal, managed to cross paths with Rick Dudley, and headed for ArtPark. Gates opened at 4:30, show starts at 5:30. Not the leisurely afternoon off I hoped, but adapt and overcome, right? In the gate, pick out a good spot, first band is already underway, and the skies open up for a good 15 minute downpour. We are soaked. I’m smiling and happy (like Swamp said, it doesn’t get any better than outdoor concerts) and the wife has a look that could freeze steel. She is not comfortable in soaking wet clothes and not interested in finding a way to enjoy it despite the adversity. We did manage to get to about 2/3 of the way through Slash’s set before it became obvious that staying any longer was at my own peril. I enjoyed myself anyway, but it wasn’t what the evening could have been. You win some, you lose some.
  16. Everyone gets 7 picks every year
  17. Slash in Lewiston tonight. Blues show with Keb Mo. should be a great show. Bonus- Met Rick Dudley while pregaming in the village.
  18. I just met Rick Dudley at a bar in Lewiston. #heroworship
  19. Now we will see if what looks improved on paper is improved on the ice.
  20. I will take getting swept in the first round over missing the playoffs every time. The level of distraught in this fanbase is overwhelming precisely because they could not have been swept in the first round for……. Counts fingers and toes…… 13 seasons. Or is it 14 now? Holy ***** I can’t believe someone actually expressed that thought.
  21. I think “faith” is exactly the right word. Certitude with minimal evidence.
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