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Everything posted by Weave

  1. That was an early story. My memory was that it was fully debunked
  2. 4 years ago the curtain was moved and we can now see that the Wizard of Oz was a sham. It never was about the people and now they don’t even have to fake it anymore. The swamp didn’t get drained, it got put under studio lighting and we are now forced to watch it. They know we’ll accept it now. I should elaborate on my point. Phone and workday is hindering. We have proved that we are willing to accept and support (based on party affiliation unfortunately) our leaders breaking major norms and rules that have helped give us the impression that our government is acting in good will. The behavior of Trump, the acceptance of that behavior by the other branches of government, and the support of that behavior from the party base has resulted in a government that is now very much aware that those norms no longer need to be followed. It is sufficient to be on the right team to get support. I have never felt the anxiety for our country’s future that I feel now.
  3. Ugh. Chris Collins pardoned today. One big piece of ***** pardons another.
  4. Freeman, you gotta have something other than “I just don’t trust them” if you are going to assume their numbers are just as inaccurate as a known manipulated data set. FL is an extreme given the fact that the data was known to be heavily massaged. Why would you assume any other state would be at that extreme without any real signs of data manipulation or even a motivation to engage in data manipulation?
  5. NY number could still be a blend of NYC and upstate, and NYC separated out for comparison. Just a possibility.
  6. Because Buffalo
  7. Over 300k dead. Yeah, thats a bad disease, Wyld. Not a good look there. I do agree that we have no perspective regarding what the other half lives like.
  8. If I didn’t dislike our national politicians so much their vaccinations wouldn’t bother me. Given what their collective actions have led up to in 2020, let them get vaccinated last and maybe we’ll get to replace a bunch more of them. Im OK with being petty about this.
  9. That was fun
  10. Well, most of them are geriatric....
  11. So much material to work with here......
  12. Its a trade rumors thread. You're expectations are waaaayyyyy too high.
  13. So you know, I wasn't suggesting you were mocking it. The thought never occurred to me actually. My reply was merely a reaction to Spnd's question why it is mocked.
  14. We mock what we don’t understand. It’s what we do.
  15. Disagree. That sort of thing usually requires a certain..... temperament. It's been bred out of the game so to speak.
  16. Not many teams are built for that anymore. I think the ones that are may be able to use it to their advantage this season.
  17. And both are bottom feeders. 😁
  18. If it didn't work NASCAR would have died off long ago.
  19. Threatening the head of the FDA if the vaccine isn't approved sure won't do anything to encourage trust in the vaccine.
  20. I guess if you stop at the first definition you can narrowly define it. The 3rd bullet is: a representation of a particular situation or process in such a way as to reflect or conform to an overarching set of aims or values, with a given example, "the coalition's carefully constructed narrative about its sensitivity to recession victims". In this definition there is a strong implication of bending facts to conform to a predisposition. Regardless, it's a lazy way to respond to a post as it marginalizes the post as intrinsically insincere.
  21. Using "narrative" to describe mere opinions on this site pisses me off too. It's such a negative connotation whose only purpose really is to minimalize and marginalize an opinion. Noone here is building an agenda. They're just making their opinion known. It's a ***** word to use because it trivializes opinions here. I'd like to see it autocorrcted out, frankly.
  22. FOr starters, there won't be enough doses for everyone here until the hockey season is about complete. Will the NHl get it about the same time other non at risk people get it? I don't know, but given how things work here it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they pay to jump the line to make sure they are vaccinated well before they would have been otherwise. I'm also quite certain that there will be many other corporations within the US that buy doses before they are commonly available to make sure their employees jump the line too. Frankly, I expect my employer to be one of them.
  23. I agree that the disappointment is exaggerated. Wouldn't surprise me at all that if you could go back and attach analytics to Zhitnick's game he'd be hated as well. Bodger too.
  24. Yup. Very, very few success stories in the 5th rd.
  25. Hey kid, pull my finger. You need to get tested.
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