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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Definitely a bright spot. He’s getting things done and outshining our stars.
  2. Negative here. Oh boy, I can grocery shop this week.
  3. It's an interesting observation, PA. I didn't watch last night so I cannot comment directly, but a lack of "OK, let's go get em now" out of what is supposed to be a young, energetic group is not good. It sure sounds from your description like reservation. That is troubling. At least with the failed core we had a race to 9th. There wasn't any reservation there, just not enough tools.
  4. One positive trait regarding Risto's game was his ability to be leaned on as a workhorse. You gotta hope that this disease didn't impact his stamina in a chronic way.
  5. I think you are on to something here. Except I don't think it's too many playmakers. I think it is too much finesse, not enough dirty noses. There is a balance to be had. This team is out of balance.
  6. Yeah, that hope didn’t age well...
  7. Every team since The Decision has been unlikeable. A near decade of apathy. Both on the ice and in the stands. The last Sabre I actually enjoyed was that first season of Steve Ott. How ridiculous is that?
  8. Yo, Dark. Don’t be a stranger.
  9. Don’t see myself paying any attention to this one. Has the feel of a blowout to me.
  10. Man, this has been a topic of discussion for about a decade.
  11. The first period was relatively entertaining and the Sabres were very much playing the Isles evenly even if the scoreboard didn’t reflect it. It felt to me like they lost hope when Victor failed to score on the PP and we let in a soft one. And it also seemed to me that fatigue set in. Regardless, we are in a tough spot now with not much evidence that we have the ability to dig out of it.
  12. Good pace. Not much pressure. Top 2 lines look much more balanced.
  13. Wife has been symptomatic yesterday and today. Aches, fatigue, bad headache. No fever though. She gets tested tomorrow. We're really hoping it is psychosomatic, but she seems to be genuinely not feeling well.
  14. Add another Teri Garr movie. Young Frankenstein
  15. Too soon.
  16. teresting developments today in the Senate. Very curious what agreement was reached to avoid witnesses. Have to think with a Dem majority that Reps had to give in on something
  17. And there it is.... MODS! GA HIJACKED TARO'S ACCOUNT!
  18. They are my guilty pleasure but Unforgiven is just a better movie all the way around.
  19. This I’ll agree with. The rest is undeserved optimism at best.
  20. I'm not sure I can come up with 10. In no particular order: Smokey and the Bandit History of the World Forrest Gump The Big Lebowski O Brother Where Art Thou? The Lady Killers (I know, there is a trend here) Unforgiven The Empire Strikes Back Dunkirk Alien OK, I guess I found 10.
  21. You have to have vets when the kids are there, especially high end kids. Pittsburgh was loaded with vets when Gino and Sid arrived. They showed them the way. Chicago was a vet laden team when their core was drafted. Granted, the vets you need to make your playoff push may be different than the ones you need when your kids first arrive, so you might have to swap them out. But the idea that you can ice a team with 6-7-8 kids and expect them to figure out how to win is madness. That was the Oilers model and it bombed badly. TM chose poorly but them move was the correct one. Edit- Don't forget how different the Sabres situation was. The team was absolutely gutted of useful vets and consisted of nobodies and AAAA players. I cannot think of a single instance in the league where a team was so thoroughly dismantled. They needed good vets and good leaders to prop up the kids. What they didn't need on the ice at that time was more kids surrounded by nobodies and AAAA players.
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