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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Yeah he either loves to play or mismanaged the money he made in his NHL days.
  2. Stick wave instead of taking the extra step and making body contact. But the coast to the bench is the absolute worst. Its akin to not hustling to 1st on a ground ball.
  3. *insert pic of Lindy rapping Luke Adam on the helmet in practice here*
  4. No different than the vast majority of employers, really.
  5. Gawd I'd love for my team to lose in the first round so I could lose my mind. SMH
  6. It’s Raining Pigs. Worst pop song ever.
  7. The doink brigade.
  8. Yeah, my suspicion is there is something going on here not related to team performance.
  9. Wife seems to be improving. Same symptoms but less intense today. Her coughing, body aches, and fever seemed to have peaked Monday night. I’m still asymptomatic. County DoH still hasn’t reached out to her for contact tracing. Wtf good is it so many days after she started with symptoms? I was tested this AM. Holy crap! Made my eyes water. I think they gave me a lobotomy while they were in there.
  10. Yup. that's why I haven't commented much. There has to be more that we shouldn't be privy to.
  11. I’ve felt the Joe Ferguson similarity. He does display that same sense of defeatism.
  12. Asplund over Skinner? Interesting..... Not interesting enough for me to watch most likely.
  13. Borgen was looking looking to be a rare bright spot for this season. Sucks.
  14. Woof. And it's not like his skating ability gave him room for degradation. Hope he makes that 6 month recovery and hopes he still makes a case for being the a top 6 guy for us.
  15. pulse oximeter on order. Amazon next day delivery don't fail me now.
  16. What's the pepsid for?
  17. immune boost?
  18. I spoke too soon. Wife continued to have symptoms even after the negative test result. They were getting worse so she was retested today. She's tested positive. We're in quarantine now. I get tested tomorrow. I'm symptom free and she's sicker than a dog. Says she's never experienced headahes like this before. And the dry cough she's got is awful to listen to. I can only imagine that it feels much worse for her. And today is her first day with a fever. I figure it's only a matter of time for me.
  19. Weave


    If this were accurate it would be the 3rd system in a row that they’ve rejected. At some point you’ve got to stop blaming the system. I have no idea what the real problem is here, but I don’t think its a “the coach doesn’t have the room” problem.
  20. Doug Allen. Don't know why. His style just annoys me.
  21. Punt from the opposing 40yd line.
  22. In fairness, he's the only one lighting the lamp. We aren't winning any 1-0 games this season.
  23. Weave


    https://apnews.com/article/nhl-ralph-krueger-buffalo-archive-buffalo-sabres-1e2b5990708adc8eafa24bb66722938e We're right back to Ryan Miller proclaiming that the team is a collection of fragile little kids again.
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