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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Yeah, thats about what I’d expect.
  2. I’m concerned Lindy is past his freshness date. And I presume there was a distinct lack of candidates interested in what Buffalo has to offer.
  3. I don’t care about losing Savoie. I kinda care about losing Mitts, but we did need to change the mix up front. I still think getting Byram back was more about timeline than roster. I think it boils down to, no faith in the front office to make the right decisions with these offseason moves. No choice in the poll for that, really.
  4. I don’t even know how to characterize my feelings, so I didn’t vote. Not pessimistic, per se, but nothing that leaves me to believe that improvement this season is obvious.
  5. I’m stuck between 2 and 3. 2 does fit, but there is an element of 3 to my thoughts on the offseason. It feels desperate. It doesn’t feel like enough too.
  6. I would have selected #3 if the second half of the sentence said “and the lack of backfill is more evidence of how few players are actually willing to play here”. That does not excuse KA’s lack of success. A good GM finds a path.
  7. And the crowd? I’m curious if they revamped security now.
  8. The entire history of the place is based on a hegemony, so it’s not a recent development. Nonetheless in our time there we never really picked up any negative vibe about it. But it does tend to attract a certain type of people. We called them “Tuit-ers”. Nothing but good experiences there personally. And the calmness and serenity in there is almost addictive.
  9. It will be senior for sure. We had a place there for awhile. I miss it greatly , but we were not like everyone else, lol. I am curious how it has changed as a result of the attack on Rushdie a few years ago.
  10. I’d suggest they were quite happy with how it worked out last season. I won’t bet against them being right again.
  11. A couple of drams and the hot air and nonsense is released.
  12. Weave

    [OT] Cigars

    @Jävə Keith here you go.
  13. Take a look at the front page. #freejame resurrected the whiskey thread.
  14. Well, looky here. Thanks @#freejame
  15. Have you read A Good Walk Spoiled? I’ve heard its quite good.
  16. How did this thread not get purged given the tome from the last post until now? I wonder if the whiskey and cigar threads are still around? Ive always had a fascination with space. I didn’t have the smarts to pursue it educationally or professionally. I received Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s book, astrophysics for people in a hurry. Im about halfway through. He’s excellent at taking an over my head subject and bringing it to a level I can relate to. Next up is David Grohl, The Story Teller.
  17. so, Edmonton is in a pinch. What non-core players do they have (that we want) that we might be able to get ultra cheap now?
  18. And now this too. Interesting day in hockey.
  19. And a lucky fan from Elma catches that souvenir.
  20. Aaaah so it is perfume! 😂
  21. I just hope he’s not drinking his wife’s perfume.
  22. The hell is that?
  23. There is a mic drop offering.
  24. I think this is more right than wrong.
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