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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Tyrod Taylor still in the league? Good for him.
  2. No idea where to put this. I suppose I could have started a thread about the insanity of the MAGA cult. Yesterday I had an interesting and disturbing MAGA experience at a very small, local brewery in my small, mostly rural community. Went there for lunch a little before game time. 4 people at the bar, I am guessing mid to late 60s in age. 2 men, 2 women. They were wearing Bills stuff so assume they were there to watch the game. They were the only other people in the place. We sat down 2 empty barstools away from them, I was closest to the men. 1st commercial break had a Harris campaign ad. During the commercial the Guy closest to me yells "someone should shoot her". Then yells even louder " Someone needs to just shoot her". He sounded like he was having a tantrum. Like it was emotionally painful to even see her on television. my blood went from chill to irrationally angry in a heartbeat. I immediately stood, faced him and hoped to make eye contact. I am not even sure what I would have said, but in that moment I was looking for an excuse to have a confrontation. I haven't got that angry in a very long time. My wife asked " what did he just say?" And loud enough for him to hear me I said "the ***** wants someone to shoot Harris". He never looked our way the rest of the time we were there. Violence is coming. ***** jackholes are going to make sure of it. This will be the price we pay for the game Trump is playing. The orange sociopath doesn’t care that more people are going to get hurt, or worse.
  3. And that would be even worse. We wouldn’t even be a stepping stone. We’d be a bluff, lol.
  4. ?? He appears only willing to consider the Sabres as a stepping stone to an end of season trade. That isn’t even a back handed compliment. That’s a guy willing to do anything to remain in the league one more season. While it isn’t evidence of toxicity, it surely is evidence of desperation.
  5. Assuming that it is a league wide understanding that owner = problem, can you imagine Adams market value if he does manage to build a winning team under these conditions?
  6. Wait, did Worthy have a Gordie Howe hattie too?
  7. KA is a ***** genius. He knows that the Sabres were not going to attract the players to get them in the playoffs this season and has accurately predicted that when this doesn’t happen Dahlin will lose his love of the game. Pegula will demand he is moved for a 3rd best prospect, a bum, and a quitter. And KA will have already acquired Dahlin’s replacement. Im telling you, ***** genius.
  8. I’d pick 3 on the 3rd question, but I hear voices.
  9. Angry PA filling in for forum absences!
  10. Spoiler, I havent watched any of them in probably 2 years.
  11. I give you credit. You can still drum up an emotional spark. I can’t get my blood pressure up about this anymore. I’m dead inside. FFS the best I could raise up at the trade deadline was, hey at least Mitts for Byram was a hockey trade. Kadri could have elicited a spark. A bubble of emotional fervor. A ray of hope that EEE isn’t the framework we are going to try to pursue playoffs under. Instead I am stuck with debating whether I want to rid myself of 23 minutes of my precious time on earth watching a we signed Jason ####ing Zucker Blue and Gold episode. I push my fingers into my eyes It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache.
  12. Why must you give me a sad on a Saturday?
  13. I can see this. He’s got more talent than Ellis, but it doesn’t seem to be enough to translate well in the NHL. He just doesn’t show enough flashes of talent to make me believe he’s got another gear coming. Not fast enough, determined enough, or shifty enough to overcome his faults. Seems like a classic tweener talent. Maybe he can carve out a career like Lazar did. Im certainly not hoping against it. But my gut says it won’t be in Buffalo unless he really does have another gear he hasn’t shown yet.
  14. No.
  15. Edna with the blue ribbon apple strudel attends all the games.
  16. Gat damn. A half a dozen years ago we were posed the question would you rather have our core or Toronto’s core. Now we have a new core that still has questions around it.
  17. As a teen I remember a guy a few years older than me speeding down our little residential street several times a day in his muscle car. My dad and neighbor decided to put a stop to it on their own. They were playing catch with a softball across the street when this kid came through. Neighbor threw the ball right into the door of the car. When the car came to a screeching halt my neighbor ran up to the car and got in this kids face and let him know how he felt about this kid tearing up and down our street. My dad and neighbor were big, intimidating looking guys. It sorta worked. For the rest of the summer we heard the kid tearing up the street one block over.
  18. Round 2 is usually the bad one. Hopefully you are getting it over with in round 1.
  19. Darcy Regier called his shot.
  20. Especially when Ryan Johansen is available for nuthin. Amiright?
  21. Risto? Meyers? I’m too lazy to look and see if they peaked at (by?) 20, but it feels like they did.
  22. This is disappointing. When Rushdie was attacked I said somewhere on this site that it made me sad in part because the innocence at Chautauqua is gone, and the expected changes would harm the vibe of the place. But they really needed to make changes to match the changes in society around us. I’m disappointed and surprised that they’ll roll the dice and expect a bad incident won’t repeat. Seems……. Negligent? Maybe?
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