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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I’m a baiter, not a projector.
  2. I never claimed to be reasonable. Especially after a day on a barstool. Lol I checked last seasons stats before I posted. Did I look up something incorrectly?
  3. You’ve had this overwhelming sense of optimism for whatever group of kids are next in line since we’ve exchanged posts on Letsgosabres. I’ll give you consistency. But you’ve been overstating optimism for the kids since Drury and Briere left. It’s gotta be a clinical condition because optimism in the face of 10 years of disappointment isn’t normal. Or maybe you just have lower expectations.
  4. Maybe it was a convo with you... or maybe someone else. I don’t remember. But recently I had a short exchange with someone who claimed Eichel was an X points player based on projections and I replied that you can’t be an X points player if you don’t play enough games to get to X points. Yet here we are claiming Peca isn’t a 60pt forward because he only got there once. He’s more a 60pt forward than whatever pt level we were projecting Eichel to be but hasn’t actually achieved yet. Just a tandom thought after 3 whiskeys on a wet Friday afternoon...
  5. Ok call him a potential 50pt center with excellent 2 way game as a potential.
  6. 60pts would put him in Barkov-ROR territory. Thats a helluva player. I’m thinking thats his absolute ceiling. 50-55 more realistic.
  7. We saw that yesterday, didn’t we?
  8. I think the kid is a mean streak away from being Peca. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if he gets Selke talk in his prime. Curtis Brown sounds like a good floor. He should have a very good all around 2C ceiling and a good checking 3C floor. I just don’t watch enough hockey anymore to find a more modern comparable. The last 7 yrs have ruined me.
  9. Marginal differences. Marginal effects if one of them is lost. We’ll never notice it on the ice. *yawn And man do some of you have serious hate boners for a guy who is paid to give an opinion. His opinions aren’t even that controversial.
  10. Welcome to my world. Except I had a 7 yr start on you all. The team did not improve with the kids. The only difference was the losses were more entertaining. That won’t sustain beyond 10 games in a full season.
  11. Agree with the overall point you are making. Regarding facebook. It is what you make it. They have the controls built into it to allow you to avoid what you want to avoid. Unfollow is a wonderful thing. No embarasing "unfreind" conversations but you never see a thing they post.
  12. I still don't think Mittelstadt is well suited for life on the wing. He does his best work when he doesn't have a wall on his right side.
  13. He was Jack's LW until Jack went bye bye for the season. And outshined Jack to start the season.
  14. When has the trade deadline ever maximized a player's value? The offseason and draft day are the times when values are maximized.
  15. I have no optimism that this is all that is needed.
  16. #Realcenter 🤣
  17. I’d say he’s finally lived up to his billing as a #2 overall this season. Hopefully he can keep that level of performance up when (if?) Jack returns. I have a concern that he’s not gonna wanna commit to Buffalo now.
  18. Paul Hamilton should be RJs replacement but he’s been too critical of team mgt over the last 7yrs to ever get it.
  19. My employer is reverse incentivizing (unintentional, I am sure). You get to come back to the office when you are vaccinated. LOL I work in the southern tier. Was vacinated last month. Walked in, filled out a questionairre, got stuck, waiting 15 minutes, and gone. No waiting. At the time of my first dose I ouldn't find a vaccine in my home county beuase they were being claimed so fast. Demand definitley dropped off earlier is some areas than others.
  20. Yeah. ***** last place. Been there. Done that. It sucked.
  21. If you are a non playoff team the difference between your 7th best and 8th best player is probably negligible anyway.
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