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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Bite your tongue. I need the next 4 years to continue as it has or I am not retiring in 5 yrs.
  2. Diaspora sounds like a title to an HBO dystopian series.
  3. Mine has been spontaneously rebooting recently. Time to look under the couch cushions and spend a little money for a new one. This one is at least 5-6yrs old. At least.
  4. We were never really concerned about whether you’d come back.
  5. I guess I have something to occupy my time this evening while I ignore the game.
  6. You must have ended up behind my wife. I have given up trying to modify that behavior. I apologize for her. Sorry.
  7. Do the Blues still play a fairly heavy game? We are cooked if they do. Without Tage we don’t have anything remotely looking like a 1st line, and we don’t have spare personnel to plug in and play a different style of game to make up for it.
  8. Lots of info here. Thanks all. I suppose I just need to download the app and look, but the other thing that keeps me holding onto twitter is government agency accounts. For example, national weather service, space observatories, NY thruway authority and NY canal system, utility companies, things like that. Any services along those lines moved at all? I hate duplication and don’t want multiple versions of Twitter functionality. Just trying to get a read on where other services are at.
  9. And thanks SDS for the assist. Now everyone has to put up with me a little longer.
  10. This, I may have been mistaken. I always thought they were. This I knew.
  11. Uncle. Regardless, my working theory is Bogosian wasn’t hurt all that time. He was “hurt “ riding out his contract/trying to get traded. And the vibe with Mule seems similar to me. This time, he’s benched for 2 games and gets injured on an innocuous play his first game back? My radar is pinging.
  12. Title sez it all. For those of you that have tried any of the Twitter alternatives, do any of them have a decent number of hockey folks that are creating content?
  13. Tinfoil hat time. Mule is giving me Zach Bogozian vibes. I distinctly remember there were unsubstantiated rumors that Mule was being advised to not sign with Buffalo. I seem to recall it was Ulf giving him that advice. I dunno. Just a gut feeling here.
  14. Yeah, I screwed that up by saving my new password selection this morning. The problem is, I had the old password wrong. So this site did not accept the password change, but my phone stored the new password. I probably need an assist from SDS now. Unless there is a way to view your password on this site that I haven’t noticed yet.
  15. Still doesn’t allow me to view my current password. I tried to change it using several generic passwords Ive used in the past. No hits. Account name Weave may not survive this unless there is a way I can see the current password I am using. And, of course, I selected “save password” in my browser before seeing that I had the wrong original password, so I am probably good and ***** now.
  16. Any tips for retrieving your password if you haven’t used it in probably 2-3yrs? If not, well….. it’s been a long strange trip, lol.
  17. Yeah, this should be a beacon for all of us. We are all guilty at times of communicating as if there is a bot on the other end. Most of us still are humans, with human failings and human distractions.
  18. Oh, damn. 56……. Too young.
  19. My money is on 3 games.
  20. This might be a bellwether game. If they can’t be “up” for this one, I don’t know how they get to where they are in play for 8th by thanksgiving.
  21. Ive stated often during the tank era (and as far as I am concerned, the tank era isn’t over until this team puts it to bed), that you can’t have a majority kids team. You need a majority vets team to overwhelm the kids with the “right way” to do things. These kids have not seen what a successful NHL team needs to do. Every GM during this era has picked around the edges for meaningful vets. It doesn’t work because there isn’t a critical mass driving the kids. And a tough guy coach isn’t going to change that. And now we have reached a point where our kids are now the vets and are supposed to somehow flip a switch and begin doing things that noone has shown them to do. It’s ***** madness.
  22. Hmmm….. which Gen Z stereotype are we throwing around here? Not much for the generational stereotypes usually foisted upon the young uns. I don’t think other teams are burdened by them.
  23. I watched a Sabres produced youtube video last night that I presume was a post practice interview with Owen Power. “We’ve done a lot of good things” was a very similar quote to Power’s response. They don’t seem to be on the same page, and they don’t seem to sense the urgency either. This is what happens when there just aren’t enough grizzled vets from winning organizations in the room. Our vets are mostly products of this culture.
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