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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I think he might be the only person to refer to Rivet as “iconic” outside of his mother, maybe.
  2. Maybe I am misinterpreting, but you seem to have gone into the ballot box with the idea the interest rates and inflation were the faults of Biden’s polices. I think if there is one thing you can say Biden did well on, it was listening to the experts and staying out of their way.
  3. Ouch. Been there, done that. Dental work gets expensive, even with insurance.
  4. Tariff costs almost always get passed on to the customer. They tend to contribute to inflation.
  5. @SwampD get yer damned band on BlueSky and joint the Metal Community feed. That is all.
  6. Under feeds, it is literally called Metal Community.
  7. They even have a metal community feed.
  8. The shame Promo must feel for us to be part of the same fanbase.
  9. A wise individual once told me that if you are embarrassed of the crowd around you, you either find a new crowd or be proud of what you really are.
  10. I don’t see a functional difference between what we have at this moment and not having a team in Buffalo. THAT is the disgusting part.
  11. This is the difference between scorers and the right kind of players.
  12. At medium well you’ll have to suffer through alot of flabby grey meat to get to it.
  13. Probably describes the sabres adequately. Like tepid water.
  14. He’s not supposed to. Trump is very vocal in his desire to have a say in interest rates though. @Hank. Interest rates are determined by the the federal reserve. They are an appointed, bipartisan board that uses interest rates to control economic growth. Inflation went high because every country in the world printed and gave out billions of dollars during the covid shutdown to avoid an economic meltdown. Every country in the world knew it would result in inflation but deemd it more important to send out all that money to avoid a collapse. The federal reserve raised rates in the aftermath of this to slow down the resulting inflation. The US actually saw lower inflation than the rest of the industrialized economies. And now that inflation is getting back under control, rates are coming back down. The last thing we need is some yahoo who thinks he knows better than trained, experienced economists mucking it up.
  15. I’ve wanted to wade into this discussion and give some examples of good things I’d love for him to accomplish, but honestly I just don’t have any faith that the platform Trump has run on will benefit me positively. And certainly won’t benefit my children, and that weighs heavily on me. Tariffs, mass deportations leaving us even shorter on workers than we already are, putting thousands of government workers on the unemployment line, gutting overtime pay rules, pressuring bold moves around economic policy. These all sound like recessionary paths to me. Couple that with policy that will continue the global warming slippery slope, and put even more policy in the hands of corporate robber barons and my children don’t seem to have a shot at the life I had. No room for optimism here. He’s gonna have to show me something I just don’t believe he cares about. I am going to be one miserable mother ***** if this guys plan hurts the economic growth we’ve seen the last 4 years and I have to postpone my retirement.
  16. Agreed. With the condition that it ends with Russia not keeping Ukrainian land. Rewarding them will only embolden them and others.
  17. Lisan Al Gaib!
  18. If that isn’t a sobering statement, I don’t know what is.
  19. During the Bils drought I stepped way back. Ive taken a few steps back in, but I don’t have that burning need to see my team win a championship anymore. I am perfectly content to watch the ridiculously good entertainment we see every Sunday. Josh Allen is absolutely worth every minute in front of the television. He is truly a one of a kind talent. This fanbase is going to be in mourning when Josh’s career is finished. I hope they are fully appreciating it in the moment. They do seem to be.
  20. This is why I admire you. You set expectations for yourself and then go out and nail it.
  21. Per Matthew Fairburn, The Sabres are 0-4 this season when they have a chance to get above .500. This team does not appear able to rise to the challenge.
  22. Spoken lime someone with a guaranteed government check every month.
  23. U mad bro?
  24. This thread just might make me welcome the loss.
  25. Nah. Pretty sure your mom said that, and Pontiac was a euphemism.
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