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    in your head
  • Interests
    Pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, the feel of the ocean, and the taste of champagne

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  1. Which, of course, is a very different message than the one you are trying to communicate re: freedom. It’s not government programs that inhibit our freedom at all.
  2. If it’s not including high worth congressmen and senators its not targeting the right places.
  3. Tuck, Krebs, and Kulich for Eichel. Git er done!
  4. Honestly, if you treat it more like an entertainment source and less like a meaningful part of you, it doesn’t hurt at all. It’s like the middle Star Wars trilogy is playing right now. At some point there will be a Rogue One and you can buy in then.
  5. No
  6. Given all this, it’s weird that the people with the highest standards of living, happiness quotients (whatever that is), health, life expectancy, birth expectancy, etc all seem to come from countries that provide for their health care, retirement, protection, etc. The cultures with the greatest respect and accountability for their actions all seem to come from those countries as well. My observations, anyway.
  7. And today Trump has been found to be violating a court order to reinstate funding that was halted by his sweeping OMB executive order. So, now it is game on. Will the Trump administration appeal? Will they just ignore? Will they ignore the appeal verdicts? And will any Republicans stand up and do the right thing while this plays out?
  8. Today I learned…… and I hate when that happens because ever time I learn something new, I lose something old to make room. Thats my story, and I am sticking to it.
  9. At the end of the 2-peat I was numb. By the 4th I wasn’t even watching at the end.
  10. GM Howdy Doody. Somewhere in here is an image of Adams and Howdy Doody, and it becomes readily apparent why we’ve never seen both in the same room at the same time.
  11. It took me until this post to realize GMHD refers to Howdy Doody.
  12. Seems so……… not random.
  13. There isn’t a GM in hockey that could win with 5 yrs of this roster.
  14. This is apparently breaking news. I certainly hope it is inaccurate. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/10/trump-doj-foreign-corrupt-practices-act-pause.html I’m speechless. This is second and third tier nation stuff. Goes against every business ethics class and training session I have ever taken. I really, really hope I get embarrassed into taking this post down.
  15. Correction, not shut down. Paused while it goes through the courts. And the administration is certainly making noise around ignoring the courts. I read today that court enforcement would be the jurisdiction of the US Marshals….. who are under the executive branch and now headed up by a Trump loyalist. Lots to be concerned about.
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