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    in your head
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    Pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, the feel of the ocean, and the taste of champagne

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  1. I think you have to use the gauge of team performance to determine if remote teams are working. That is not to suggest that the Sabres lack of success is a result of a remote team, rather the teams lack of success strongly suggests to me that they need every advantage to overcome this, and there is no inherent advantage to a remote team supporting a local operation. This team needs the on hand collaboration a helluva lot more than a team that is succeeding. My $0.02 anyway.
  2. I thought it was addition by subtraction. That makes Norris’ availability gravy, right? smh
  3. Who is questionable that Kozak is up? Nevermind I see Norris and Peterka out. hopefully Norris didn’t hurt himself in that line skirmish
  4. For an organization that has been at or near the top of the prospect pool rankings for most of a decade, if not longer, we sure have alot of whiffs and not alot of top NHL talent to show for it.
  5. That was a damning interview for sure. In a normal organization I just don’t see how he’d survive the offseason. But this isn’t a normal organization.
  6. Oof. 3rd person close to us in 1 calendar year that has cancer. Too much. Our emotions are about spent.
  7. I might have to plan for this. Seems like a decent Summer concert season setting up for metal heads.
  8. BTW, as the guy who championed it, I am fully in on moving from Muel to Donkey.
  9. I know I have stated it elsewhere, maybe it was in this very thread. I distinctly remember a rumor shortly after he was drafted that someone close to him (father or uncle maybe) was counseling him not to sign with Buffalo. He showed such promise that first NHL season, and it seems he became less reliable the more he played here. He’s not even standing up for teammates right now. It seems apparent to me that he doesn’t want to be a member of the Sabres, and it is affecting his efforts. He needs to go. And I fully expect he is going to become the player we thought he was those first two seasons. No doubt in my mind a motivated, happy Samuelsson is a force to be reckoned with on the ice. He will be miserable to play against. I just hope he’s tradable in the offseason and we don’t have to buy him out and get nothing.
  10. Mattius Samuelsson /s
  11. From Bluesky: If you buyout Mattias Samuelsson this offseason, it’s $714k per year for 10 years. If you wait a year, it becomes $1.4M per year for 8 years. This should be an easy decision. Someday i will figure out how to embed a bluesky post.
  12. From Bluesky….. If we learned anything from the Eichel experience… Stage 1 - People talk about if he could get traded and we laugh it off Stage 2 - Other fan bases/media start writing about what it would take to get him, we yell he’s not getting traded Stage 3 - He’s actually available Think we’re in Stage 1.
  13. Yeah, I don’t agree with planning on Kulich to be the determining factor, but that’s how I see it panning out.
  14. Norris?
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