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Everything posted by lalalalalaFontaine

  1. this entire blue line corps can't hit sh**!!!
  2. yessss!!! that point could be crucial to our surge to 9th place!!!
  3. at least he seems to give a shiite. i'll take douchebag that can hit the net from the point
  4. whew.... miller's stick touched that in the no no zone
  5. agreed... but i'd take him straight up for myers in a heartbeat
  6. he's the blue pylon with an "A" on his jersey... such a leader he is!!!
  7. how is that only a 4 minute for roughing penalty? i've seen 5 minute majors with fewer punches thrown!!!
  8. i thought montreal was supposed to be the tired team???? guess lindy can't use that excuse in the presser
  9. this, this, this
  10. i keep watching just to see how bad it gets
  11. he needs to at least change his number. i feel like i'm watching derek roy, but minus any potential offensive ability.
  12. i'm still trying to catch my breath... did i just see tyler myers play like a 6' 8" player for a second?????
  13. is it wrong to wish we still had a lockout?!?!?!
  14. love it...!!!! that about sums it up
  15. whenever we hear from pegula again, he'll blame it on the lack of training camp with a bunch of new players. then he'll tell us the players need time to fit into lindy's system. then regier will say the same.... and then i want to throw up in my mouth
  16. yep... and now they get to see what our fantastic 2nd period's look like.... it could be 7-1 after 2!!!!
  17. lindy has a lifetime contract as long as regier is around
  18. me thinks the fat lady has sung already. this team is completely unwatchable.
  19. is it possible that enroth has shrunk? cuz, he certainly looks smaller than usual in net!!
  20. and for once, he was key to one of ours!!!
  21. i guess ennis wanted to make sure pardy got his name on the stat sheet... that penalty was all ennis
  22. i've got the ottawa feed ...and after one shift, Pardy is already our best D-man!!!
  23. I'm gonna go waayyyyy out on a limb and say none...!!!! But we are the exception because Darcy and Lindy apparently have lifetime contracts
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