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Everything posted by lalalalalaFontaine

  1. I could still score at that age!! :o
  2. How did Gionta ever score 40 goals in this league. Has he hit the net this year yet?? He's become the new Zhitnik!!
  3. In other words... he looks like Ron Rolston
  4. If we can play keep away like we are tonight we could put Rip Simonick in net!!
  5. What will this team look like when Ennis comes back and Kane plays the way he is capable...?!?!
  6. This is one way to make Ullmark look like an NHL goalie!!!
  7. My team is fun to watch again!!!!! :worthy:
  8. Have me a feeling there may be a O'Reilly & Giroux bout before this one's over
  9. Yikes. Every home game is looking like a road game at the F'N Center. Almost at embarrassing levels
  10. Hopefully he train them to take a bite or two out of Hodgson I wonder what Terry thinks about the fact that his brother took Timmy to the cleaners??
  11. So ultimately, we traded Vanek for Moulson, Lehner, Legwand, and a 2nd round pick... I thought looking at it this way would make me feel better about the trade, but it doesn't!!
  12. I'm sure that went into Darcy's thinking. He may want to stick around and play with a sh&tty team for 5 years. And since he's fairly local, maybe his relatives will buy tickets. They should have great seats to choose from!!
  13. Where we are, Darcy, is right where you put us. Where we're going is right where we are presently plus about five to ten more years of suffering. Or til Darcy's pension kicks in. Whichever comes first.
  14. Even with both of em', this is a mediocre at best AHL roster. Add Detroit to our division and this franchise may not see the light of day for another decade!!!
  15. sad part is, they'll probably start making movies about this franchise as a result of darcy!!!
  16. Ricky Vaughn? Willie Hays? I haven't heard most of them. Mitchell Freidman? Who are these f_____' guys? They're shi_y!!!
  17. Lindy has an Ellis on his roster again!!! Albeit Dan Ellis, but...!!!
  18. rotten shift there by ehrhoff... takes a weak shot from the blue line with a 4 on 2 then the nice giveway!!! yikes
  19. don't worry steve... i'm booing to myself on my couch
  20. vanek pulling out my ol' men's league no look, between the legs, backwards pass... :doh:
  21. man i hate the winnipeg uni's... they need to go back to the ol' ones
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