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    Plattsburgh, NY
  • Interests
    Hockey, Football, Beer

BuffaloFansR_Crazy's Achievements

Fourth Liner

Fourth Liner (3/8)



  1. Thanks so much for this! How high of a quality are the feeds? Are they HD and worth hooking up to the big screen? Sorry mistyped "big stream" instead of big screen. I see you can stream it through your ps3 or ps4 which is a huge plus.
  2. Anyone find a MSG feed, pm me please. I feel like there is a limited time to hear RJ and sick of watching games on the opposing teams feed. Anyone else having as tought a season as me finding a quality feed? It has been a tryign season. First lost my high quality JTV feed, than wiziwig was shut down, and now the remaing sites seem to only carry the Canadian feeds. I just wish the NHL would allow me to pay the money so I could watch the Sabres on Centre Ice.
  3. Anyone find a MSG feed? LiveTV and VIP only have about 6 CSN links each.
  4. Bank Roll =$640 I'm in for $300 on Sabres.
  5. I haven't posted in a while, but I love me some gambling and this is a really interesting idea. My first bet so: Bank Roll=$1000 $360 on Sabres.
  6. Anyone else see a Team USA draw at Azteco as a very, very good thing?
  7. I didn't know this site could get this low. Thanks for fulfilling so many sterotypes. I am sorry Biodork. SDS, my heart goes out to you.
  8. I hope you are kidding. This is almost as bad as the time you claimed Lindy is abusive and Patty Kaleta and his uncle were criminals.
  9. I'm sick of hearing about Chara.
  10. Yes he does. But game is over cause they have players that know exactly how to bury it.
  11. Clutch goal by TV. Nice job.
  12. HAHA. I like your thinking.
  13. Did anyone else see Thorton just punch little Gerbe right in the face?
  14. That a boy Luke! Goodbye and good-riddance Connolly!
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