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Sterling Archer

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Everything posted by Sterling Archer

  1. And most likely judgmental. And stupid. And possibly the kind of person who posts their whole life on Facebook then ###### when someone responds with something they don't want to hear.
  2. Now we're talking.
  3. That seems like some poor, attention-starved loser's facebook status.
  4. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs580.ash2/150280_452578132674_752597674_5684833_2474074_n.jpg
  5. I unplugged this thing this morning. I don't know what it was but it seemed important.
  6. You're talking about a guy who likes Connolly and is most likely high.
  7. I hate to say this but I can't wait for the Bills game.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WNrx2jq184
  9. I'm still waiting for him to achieve.
  10. Listening to Darcy talk is like watching Usain Bolt run backwards.
  11. I hope not.
  12. I have the attention span of an 8 yo and need the violence or extremely fast pace or just a lot of yelling to........................................................................................................... OH LOOK! A DOG WITH A BANDANA!
  13. Seems silly. But then again, this is why the majority of America doesn't take women's athletics seriously unless they are smoking hott and wear skin tight clothing.
  14. Why don't they let broads hit each other? I don't get that.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ2G111spck
  16. Kovalchuk is the hyperbole of everything Don Cherry says about Russian players. He's Max with a better skill set.
  17. I'll take 10 Vaneks before I take 1 Kovalchuk.
  18. Has any one found a pic of the chick with the knockers yet?
  19. Did she get to meet D Roy after the game?
  20. My rent is too damn high.
  21. That's not my bag.
  22. Official complaint: The groin thread was closed before I had a chance to kick in.
  23. I have to poop
  24. It's only because it's cheap. But then again, I stick to my booze.
  25. No they do not. Which is why I stick to my dive bars and stay out of their classy establishments.
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