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Everything posted by JKB1646

  1. Where can I watch the horror show live
  2. Crosby and Toews set the standard!
  3. I don’t begrudge any athlete to make the most of their talents! It’s entertainment and they are making their bosses money or they couldn’t make these kinds of salaries. I don’t hold the C on his jersey against him either. What I have utter contempt about Jack Eichel the player is; his complete lack of leadership skills, his lack of hustle, his rich boy whining punk ass attitude, his gliding to the bench, his half ass back checking and his overall lack of blue collar bring your lunch bucket to work attitude! Let me be more clear. On an scale of 1 to 10: 10 being Sid and Jack is a 2. If KA had some sack he would fire RK and strip the C off Eichel’s jersey at freaking center ice prior to a game so this pouting little brat gets the message loud and clear. There are no givens in life, you earn what you get now get to work! Clear?
  4. My point exactly! I have had talented carpenters who are worthless employees and no they aren’t married to my daughter and no they did not last 6 months let alone 4 years.
  5. Eichel’s history as a pouter goes back to his USNTDP days. Just because your the highest paid player doesn’t mean your captain material. When Ullmark was in net Jack still played the same, scored as much, excuse me none, and still pouts and whines and glides to the bench. I think in the coming months there are some very very hard decisions to make on coaching, management and players. Everyone in the league knows this is gonna be a dumpster fire. A good GM still has an opportunity to get the most return for these turds! I own a Construction company. Highly skilled carpenters are hard to find but do I keep a guy that I know clocks in late, leaves early, takes a long lunch and steals from me. Especially when he is the highest paid guy on the job site. Hell no because then everybody else will be robbing me blind too. At $11M I would have a problem with this employee!
  6. As a captain you give 110% on and off the ice! Period. This turd glides form center ice on line changes and roles his eyes more than bozo the clown
  7. I read a piece that quoted Beane and McDermott saying the number one priority in assembling the team is we look for Character People first! As much as RK should be held to the fire, less so KA, the players are to blame for this fiasco! Did the piece with quotes from the Rangers MSG analyst not hit home! To me Eichel is the worse Captain in Sabres History. He needs to go now while we can still cash in on him and not let it get to the RO situation where we get fleeced. Someone start a poll ranking the past Captains please!
  8. I so agree ! Eichel has to be THE WORSE SABRES LEADER EVER. McCabe now there is a Player who can lead and be wearing the C
  9. Yeah stopped watching! Can I get my money back for the NHL Center Ice package? Though I will say there are players I like they just don’t seem to jell. Risto and McCabe were looking like the best #1 pairing we’ve had in a long time and then Bammmm! COVID. Nothing goes right when your a Sabres fan!
  10. The Sabres do no worse than any other NHL team. The under lying problem is the draft itself. I believe the over all failure rate of NHL draft picks is 81% over a ten year span. The draft age is the culprit. The NHL draft is 18 yrs old. The scouts are trying to find the next McDavid at 14 yrs old. If a kid hasn’t developed by 16 it’s pretty much over for him in the scouts eyes. This has been discussed in depth but for the failure rate in the draft to drop the draft age needs to be 20! This would have such a huge ripple effect in hockey all the way down to peewees. Why doesn’t the NHL do it like football and basketball. Let the boys decide when they are ready to enter the draft like at the end of their college career. Image drafting a 23 yr Casey Mittlestat....hmmmm.
  11. You can read right? YOUNG defensive core. Defensemen don’t come into there own in the nhl until they 24 or so. Risto is having one of his best years. JBOT will no doubt stay and have his contract extended unless the bottom completely fails out and I don’t see that happen.
  12. How are the Rochester Americans doing? Very well! We have Captain for years to come. Our defensive core is very young group that is set for the future. We have our two goalies for the future( sorry not you Carter!). Defense wins Championships! JBOT most definitely stays! Go Bills. ( another team with a very good defense)
  13. The Cup or TANK......wait tanking gets us the cup!!! Tank..Tank
  14. I hope the second half of his life works out for him. Holy cow i wish that article would have been proof read...jeez that was tough to read.
  15. Just finished reading "Talent is Overrated" by Geoff Colvin. What separates world class preformers and everbody else. It is not a sports book per say. Although it does touch on the subject of the golf gene and that it has not been found contrary to popular belief.
  16. Satfford is a FLOATER! Actually in my huumble opinion he's worse than a floater he's whale ###### which floats somewhere on the bottom of the ocean!
  17. Its hard to believe the potential in Stafford that has been wasted, in our eyes. In his he made it big time with the contracts($$$). When he was at Shattucks he finished second on the team to Crosby in pts with 116 in 65 games. He had a very respectable college career, he has size, speed, skating ability, shot and hockey knowledge. I can understand what the Sabres staff sees in him. Due to his age they are probably unwilling to give up on him but for ^%$%^$ sakes this guy just doesn't have the drive or the passion. I hope at the end of Pegula's first year in control he takes management in for a round table discussion and straightens this ship out. Growing up in Buffalo i can say that playing without hard work and passion are not appreciated nor desired here. I will add strenght to my last post. He's the strongest guy on the Sabres bench pressing in excess on 400lbs. All the talents and no desire what a waste this kid is!
  18. Eminem "Lose Yourself" Its been done before but sure fits the situation for Lindy at least! Go Sabres
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