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Everything posted by rickshaw

  1. The Buffalo News article suggested he'd probably get the last 18 games of the season and boom, he's sent down again. It must be so frustrating for the kid. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned into a real solid player with the right coaching.
  2. I don't believe in curses either but one can't just figure we won't get one of the top two "prizes" And no, I haven't watched many games this year, they aren't on TV in my part very often. I just know that when a team isn't very good, my stress is low because there are no expectations. It's when they are a playoff team that it's stressful. Thankfully this current cycle of sports for me has most of my teams in rebuild mode. So I worry very little. But this 3 team race has me worried.
  3. Been awhile so I figured I'd start a thread. I have been onboard with the team being 30th all year long because obviously it's very good for our future. But I can't help but think we are in serious jeopardy of not finishing last. And I know, I think we all know, that if we don't finish last, we will not end up with the first or second pick and this lost season will be a waste. I have been watching the other teams trying to tank and catch the Sabres and one thing I see is the Sabres do put in the effort, while the Coyotes and Oilers not so much. I know they are all "pros" but my gut is telling me we aren't going to finish last. I hope I'm wrong because either McDavid or Eichel can help this team move forward faster to respectability. This season has been all NO stress because there is no playoff picture, but I have a feeling the STRESS will come in the final 10 games as we crawl to the finish line. Let's hope we crawl slower than the Yotes and Oil. But one can't help but wonder if the Sabres are cursed.
  4. Nice win. Myers played great, saved the game with seconds left in OT. Love how much he's improved his physical play. Neuvurth (sp) looked great too. Hodgson was huge. LOL, joke! Nice win.
  5. First post of the season. Wow is all I can say. Amazing to have veteran players like Gionta, Moulson and Stewart not firing everything on net just to get shots on goal. Amazing. I am super impressed by Myers. To be on a team that has 12 goals for in 12 games and only be -2 is absolutely incredible. I hope we don't move him as we will regret it. Looks like Teddy Nolan may have already lost the room as he's thrown his guys under the bus more than once this year. Maybe his heart isn't in it for the rebuild, or maybe he's just not that good a coach. I hope we keep losing but it would be nice if they were more competitive on a regular basis. They held their own agains the B's so it can be done. Lots of worries, but losing really is the best option. However, there is no excuse for how the above mentioned forwards have contributed absolutely nothing, aside from the Stewart fight. Maybe Grigerenko was sent down because he "was" ready to contribute and this team just isn't ready for him to do so? Good on team for sending Reinhart down. He'll be better off for it mentally. Feel like they may play well today. Maybe even have a defenseman score!!
  6. anyone in here suggesting miller has had a good playoff is fooling themselves. Too many early goals in games. Aside from game 1, he was outgoaltended by Crawford. Miller was brought in to put the Blues over the top. He didn't do that. It's too bad cuz we just lost out on a better pick.
  7. Not looking like we are going to get that better pick from the Blues. Miller keeps letting in that one goal a game he can't let in. Damn it! I want them to go the Conference Finals and then whatever
  8. Seabrook should be gone for the remainder of the first round, no matter how many games it goes. So 2-5 games depending on when it ends. He was slashing players all night long and getting away with it. Two nasty ones against Tarasenko. Then the childish stick waving in the facial area, again no penalty. He was on borrowed time and he launched himself into Backes who didn't have the puck. Dirty hockey imo.
  9. Not the real Bob Mckenzie. Relax guys
  10. +1
  11. I imagine that after Leino is bought out, his career in the NHL is over. Nobody wants a guy who gets paid by the shot.
  12. Mouslon as a long term Sabre would be sweet. He's a solid player, not flaky like Vanek.
  13. Question: Will he wear my beloved Alex Mogilny's number? I don't mind the pickup, but I don't want anyone wearing 89 on Buffalo.
  14. I think Moulson is a better pickup over Vanek. Cheaper, not as flaky and more consistent. Vanek is too streaky and too slow and too soft. As for Canucks rebuilding, if they move Kesler and Edler their rebuild will be mild and they could be back quickly. If they don't, then the Sabres are already ahead of them. This next 24 hours is huge for gillis and the team. If he gets nothing done, he's done.
  15. Luongo's contract doesn't suck so bad anymore!!
  16. Love when Darryl Reaugh said Ville Leino is getting paid by the shot!
  17. I agree. I'd take him over vanek any day. Vanek is a flake, MM works hard and is more durable IMO.
  18. I'm fine with his leaving. Now let's get some other deals done. Ryan Kesler, come on down!
  19. Patty came in, did what was asked of him and is going back to his less stressful nhl job. Clearly Patty is not suited for these executive roles cuz he's jumped ship twice now. The team has a gm that has some stones and will do what's best for the team. Lafontaine, great guy, hockey player. Terrible nhl team exec. Much ado about nothing IMO.
  20. Real happy with this trade. Miller was a good pro and although I didn't care for his attitude, he was a good player for this team. Ott I hope returns. Onwards and upwards. Love the jersey, not the player wearing it. Now stop winning so much boys!!!!
  21. So essentially, the 5th straight game losing 4-3. Amazing that they are scoring and now defensively worse.
  22. Kassian has 4 ten min misconducts in the past week
  23. Mcgratton pasted Alberts in the game two weeks earlier. Hartley made up some bs comment about rewarding his fourth line. Crap! Torts had to start that lineup. Teams are constantly pushing the Canucks around and he's changing that. Also henrik is hurt so he can't take draws and why risk it? Hartley is a punk and clearly torts knew that would happen and he was pissed. But the rookie Lain in his first game ever got 2 seconds. That was too bad. I have no issue with torts answering back. The hallway stuff was dumb but that's passion. I love torts and his passion. I believe if he were the coach in the Finals the Canucks would've beaten Boston.
  24. 2 games in a row, Devorski reffed those Canucks' games. In the LA game, Jordan Nolan ran Henrik Sedin, again, and wouldn't answer the bell on the next whistle. Even though his coach left him out there to most likely answer. (I bet Ted Nolan gave his kid a talking to for not manning up. Pathetic of Jordan to not engage back) Anyway, on that play Nolan didn't do a thing, except turtle, and his team was rewarded for it. He was basically told by the officials that he'd be able to run star players all night long as they threw Sestito out of the game. Only in the NHL is this embraced. Have a borderline player allowed to target the skilled player and get away with it without fear of retribution. In the Ducks' game, it seemed to me that both Ducks engaged the Canuck players, so how the 'Nucks came away down 7 minutes on two consecutive games, and 2 men short this time around, is unbelievable. And Devorski was seen calling Torts an f'ing Ahole as well. Clearly Devorski's time in the stripes has gone on too long. That type of officiating is what makes hockey look ridiculous. As for the homer calls as you suggested. How would you feel if that was the Sabres? Clearly both teams should have gotten penalties. There was no way that either Duck player didn't engage back. Come on! I've watched hockey for almost 40 years and I have never, ever seen that type of call happen 3 times in two games. Unheard of. Devorski should be pulled for that type of game. It reeked of a clear grudge against either Torts or the team. Just my opinion.
  25. I just watched Patty talk to the media. The guy is nothing but pure class and very believable. He will work to get this ship righted and that's all we as fans can ask for. Great decision to bring him in. Let's go Buffalo.
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