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Everything posted by rickshaw

  1. I wonder how many goalies would realize a net had been widened by an inch or two, if the league just did it when they were all in bed sleeping? Seriously. Over the summer, the nets were widened by an inch on each side (2 inches for math challenged lol) and repaint the ice and then see how many knew?
  2. All the things said by the original poster are true about Bettman, but one other thing stands out even more. The players HATE him and are just up there thinking, "shut up and give me the f'ing Cup already."
  3. What the hell is Zadorov getting married so young for? Kids
  4. I don't pay attention too much. Lucic had 4 dozen beers when he left. I should have asked him if he needed help carrying out to the car cuz it looked heavy. LOL. Tyler Myers bought a $500 bottle of Grey Goose once. The Schenn brothers were in last year and Braeden was drinking California Cabs, nice ones.
  5. I meet lots of players at my job (Government Liquor Store) Met MR Smiley from the Sens a few weeks back, Curtis Lazar. It's amazing how many of the players come back to Kelowna. It is a beautiful city, that's part of it, but it's a lot of players. Shea Weber Tyler Myers Josh Gorges Jerome Iginla Milan Lucic Curtis Lazar Scott Hartnell to name a few. with the Okanagan Lake right here, tonnes of wineries, plus top notch training facilities, and warm Sunny summers, it's the place to be.
  6. Met the hated Milan Lucic today at my work. He, like many hockey players, live in Kelowna. I spoke with him briefly and even shook his hand. I know, right. Anyway, we chatted for a bit and he says he is just hanging at his house and working out here, not heading downtown where the testosterone is prevalent at night. He was a nice guy. I told him to watch out for my Sabres, told him I've been a fan for over 30 years. We spoke about losing the lottery. He thinks Eichel will be better than McDavid in the first 5 years, and then Connor will surpass him. Said Eichel is the real deal.
  7. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/acdc-video-footage-of-zurich-concert/ Do yourself a favour and go if they come to a stadium near you. Amazing for men their age. 2 hours of guaranteed rock and roll and lots of in your face fun.
  8. AC/DC's Rock or Bust Album. In another time, this album would be right up there with Back In Black and Highway to Hell, but in today's digital world, it's overlooked. You like rock and roll, then spin this album. 35 minutes of straight ahead rock and roll. Love it! Awesome!
  9. Wondering what others think of possibly moving a pick to Vancouver in exchange for Eddie Lack? The kid is an amazing person, first off, and secondly he's a good young goalie who should get better. With Miller signed 2 more years and Jakob Markstrom lighting it up in the AHL, the Canucks need to move either Lack or Markstrom. I think Lack would be a good pick up for the Sabres, along with another tender who can play 25-30 games. I'd guess the Canucks would want a 2nd round pick for Lack. Thoughts?
  10. Sure wish Kane would become a Sabre
  11. Posted by rickshaw on 09 March 2015 - 02:17 PM in The Aud Club Teddy is gone in 16 games. I'd be shocked if he weren't fired. No way you want Nolan "teaching" McDavid how to play hockey. Yikes. Next coach, has a Cup and knows all about bringing along a Superstar or two. His name, Dan Bylsma. Just sayin'.......... Called it!
  12. AC/DC opened their Rock or Bust Tour this evening in Holland and it was spectacular by all reports. Can't wait until Sept 22/15 when they return to Vancouver!!!!!
  13. But at least he'll be a "generational" coach
  14. Peanut butter on toast!
  15. Wild Flower by The Cult has been a regular sing along for me this past week.
  16. AC/DC Sept 22/15 Vancouver 15th Time!!!!
  17. Miller was injured when the playoffs started. He was "healthy" enough to back up Lack but there was no way he was starting the playoffs. I don't think he should have played at all. But that's me. Lack was very good down the stretch. Miller is still 6+ weeks away from being healthy. I wouldn't call it being benched. I have a feeling though, the two will have to share the crease a lot more next year.
  18. I think Horvat may be better than Zemgus. I like Z, don't get me wrong. I think that Horvat has that extra little something that makes him very special. I truly believe the Canucks trade (Schneider) for his pick was a blessing for the Canucks long term. For a rookie player, he was very reliable. Number one on the team in face-offs by a mile. Got quicker as he got leaner/stronger and better as the season went on, which is rare for a lot of rookies. But I love Z
  19. He had one tough game. It's a tough call, but Lack probably should have played game 6 but after Miller won game 5 I can see why the coach went back to him. he was very poor on rebounds in game 6. he wasn't moving side to side well either. but the game really did turn when the refs made that call that lead to the tying goal. 2 players going hard meeting together and both fall into the goalie is not interference. It was a very tough call to make as it really was a hockey play where both players met while going for the puck and momentum carried them both to the crease. Bad, bad, bad call, but the Flames made the best of the break.
  20. 11 years working for the top Beverage Alcohol Retailer in B.C. We have a two tiered system, one where there are privately owned stores and others run by the Province of B.C. I work for the one that offer a pension plan!!!!
  21. Miller was not 100% healed from his injury and the coach played him anyway. He probably shouldn't have played but the fact he could play and he makes $6 million makes the decision to play him understandable, at least from the coaches view. The Flames were good and honestly the series could've gone either way. I think the Ducks destroy the Flames, and the Canucks would've been a tougher matchup for the Ducks, IMO. I hope the Flames don't lose to the Ducks though. Going back to Miller. The game wasn't on him, it was really on some of the poor defence in front. Bieksa is in decline, Hamhuis too and Sbisa is always a gamble back there. The Canucks need to play some younger guys and the off season will be interesting. But Bo Horvat, now this kid is a player. I believe the next captain of this team. What a hardworking, talented young player. BTW Sedins were dominate but not enough support.
  22. I don't believe longer penalty minutes for dirtier plays will make the game less exciting. I still think guys will still board guys, that's more prevalent than ever. Clearly guys know that cross checking a player in the chops to avoid a hit, isn't supposed to happen, but it does. Penalties should never happen but they do, cuz that's sport. I just can't understand why changes haven't been made. A boarding call should not equal a broken stick call? A 2 hand slash should not equal a hook? The penalties still get called, but the dirtier ones need harsher consequences.
  23. I too think that the refs need to get together at centre ice and discuss what they saw. If a high stick is reckless then blood or not, it's always 4 and pp never ends with a goal. I really think the harsher (dirtier) penalties should warrant full minutes on the pp like a 5 min major. But for the life of me I can't understand why now, in this day and age where the game is so fast and players are so big, that they haven't adjusted penalties. Sam Bennett gave a Canuck a full on 2 hand cross check right in the mug last night and it's 2? That's crazy. It's a very dirty play and should be penalized differently than a guy running interference or a puck over the glass?? The puck over glass should also be amended back to the ref using his judgement, like on all other calls. If he deems it intentional, penalty. I agree that a penalty shot miss should = 2 min pp.
  24. I believe it's time the NHL made changes to the rules when it comes to penalties. The league says it's trying to change the game for the better, so it's time to adjust penalties. How can a simple hook on the hands equal a 2 hand cross check to the chops? I think the rules need to change and certain penalties need certain rules. Some examples..... A hook or a trip = 2 minutes. Team scores, penalty ends. A cross check to the face, 4 minutes, penalty served in full. I believe that dangerous penalties, ones that hurt people physically should be more than a simple trip or hook. I think it's time that any contact with the stick to the face is automatically 4 minutes, penalty doesn't end if a goal is scored. If someone is cut, then it's 5 minutes and up to the ref if it's deemed on purpose whether a guy is thrown out. I just think that maybe if teams who are too aggressive or dangerous will be penalized more harshly for their infractions. If a team is a tricky tack team then nothing changes but teams with players who make dangerous plays will pay more. Feel free to add your two cents. I just think it's time to adjust penalties. In the NFL a facemark is deemed more dangerous a penalty than offside! Why not in the NHL?
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