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Everything posted by rickshaw

  1. Krebs hit low but gets up and puts it back on the dude who hit him. Like it.
  2. A loss is probably best for draft position, however I hate the redneck flames and redneck oilers. Anytime they’re playing in Alberta I want us to thump them.
  3. Muel needs to go. Twice in first period Zach set him up for clear shots on goal from the top of the circle and both times he missed the net. And in the dying seconds yikes.
  4. Kulich now with 8 goals, EP40 with 11 goals. Let that sink in.
  5. How many empty net goals have we given up? It must be a record. Sabres inability to get games to OT is incredible. And the amount of times a team scores right after us as well is astonishing.
  6. Unfortunately Sabres can’t worry about what a player does when he leaves but this team is clearly no constructed right and if he gets moved and a good return comes our way, maybe that’s the first step to getting it turned around.
  7. Cozens has turned into a bad Trevor Linden. And he hits just as softly as Linden did (aside from the broken glass hit) Just loving guys into the boards.
  8. I watched first period and thought they were unlucky to be up only two. I go run some errands and wasn’t surprised it was 2-2. And now it’s 5-2! Incredible. Ruff is part of the problem here and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in the past. I can guarantee you Ruff would be fine if still in NJ. Why? Cuz they have elite goaltending. Ruff’s made a career on padding his wins because he had A) the best goalie to ever play hockey, and B) an elite Ryan Miller. He simply isn’t that good a coach. I see no passion from him, no accountability really.
  9. It’s not her calling the game poorly, it’s the higher register. It’s the same as if a dude has a high register, it’s grating to me. To the not happy emoji folks, it’s just my opinion.
  10. I love the ladies but when it comes to commentating I prefer it be males. Women have that higher pitch and it’s not pleasant when it elevates on exciting plays. My wife agrees. She can’t stand when women are on the play by play.
  11. I was at dinner table and said to my wife and daughter about 5 seconds before they tied it, “you just know the crowd knows 3-3 is coming.”
  12. Honestly, how long can Adams keep his job? This has gotten to the incredible stage. I’m fielding q’s from buddies asking me what is going on?
  13. Sabres saving up their shots for the big 3rd period comeback. Lol
  14. Huh? Happily married just shy of 27 years. Not sure what you meant by that.
  15. I’m surprised to see so many Ruff apologists. He was a terrible hire. I’d rather they kept Donny and he changed some of his attributes (like taking off the kid gloves) But even firing Granato, surely there was a better hire than the aging Ruff. He had a very good NJ team and they missed the dance. He is doing nothing for this squad. His timeout last night proves it. This team is a disaster.
  16. How about this. In the off season we fire everyone. Trade or cut every single player on the team and start from scratch. Boom, expansion team vibes.
  17. So we win 3 then go winless in 13 and then win 3. Imagine not blowing Avs game. A few others in that stretch and instead of a 6-10-3 stretch, maybe a 9-7-3 happens and things aren’t so brutal in terms of challenging for a wildcard. That is why it’s imperative to get games to OT if you’re gonna lose.
  18. EP40 better be careful what he wishes for cuz he very well may end up in Buffalo. I don’t think he’s the answer at all. He really has the IDC attitude which is polar opposite of JT. Which is probably why Miller and Petie don’t get along. Sabres need to look elsewhere if making moves.
  19. Right! Don’t f’ing save these guys. Make them suffer, make them find a way to win. Sit guys on a rotation basis. Fire the GM when the Christmas break is over.
  20. Thank goodness I’m at a wellness hotel in Vernon BC as I just peaked to see the score. I’m too relaxed to care about this loss. But glad they came out ready lol
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