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Everything posted by rickshaw

  1. I’m not sure why the gm or coach would guarantee playoffs. There are no guarantees in this life. They believe they’ll get there but to guarantee it is stupid. So much can happen to derail the best laid plans. Those expecting playoffs and/or railing on them for not saying it’s expected, I think are kind of silly. We all want them to make it but no team can guarantee playoffs. No team. Humans should never expect anything. That’s when the trouble starts.
  2. VO cannot be on this team next year imo. Yes he almost scored 30 but his going over a calendar month wo scoring isn’t acceptable. How many of his goals didn’t matter? How many extra points could we have had had he scored during that horrendous month he didn’t score? He’s just too inconsistent and cannot be relied upon sadly. Good kid, but a change is needed. If our pipeline wasn’t stocked up I’d keep him.
  3. If Johnson doesn’t want to be a Sabre then see ya later Ryan. We need guys 💯 committed to being a Sabre.
  4. Spelling police at it again
  5. Take this information however you wish but I ran into an nhl scout the other day who I hadn’t seen in awhile. He used to razz me about the Sabres all the time. I hadn’t seen him in quite sometime, in fact he’d started working for another team in that time. So we had a beer and got talking shop. Anyway I mentioned how it finally looks like the Sabres are coming and said I was excited about them signing Levi. He agreed the Sabres are looking like a good team going forward but He quickly said, don’t get your hopes up on Levi. We didn’t get into it (the ladies were tired of hockey talk) but I found that to be an interesting comment. Time will tell.
  6. My apologies for misspelling a word. The Sabres have had less than so’s than most. Corporate greed? So fess up. What does pride night mean to you in truth? Do you support it? Do you support the lgbtq+ community?
  7. So Tuch (who still doesn’t loom 💯) is to be blamed for missing his shot ? The penalty shootout is a farce and this teams has had very few of them. Maybe you’d prefer clutch Jack back over 89? Good lord. Btw did you figure out the purpose of pride night yet?
  8. I didn’t realize he had the Sedins syndrome in so.
  9. Shoot out sucks. Sucks the life out of the sport. But seriously where is Skinner and Dahlin over JJ or Casey? Bad choices tonight. Comrie almost saved their bacon. Damn trickler in shootout
  10. Wouldn’t have counted had Sabres challenged for offside
  11. Let’s go boys. Huge game. As for pride Night, good on Sabres. And reading between the lines on the other thread, it was very evident to me there is a group of very scared individuals who tried wording things so as to not look like they’re against the meaning of pride night. People are people. Just be kind to all.
  12. Having an issue wearing a pride jersey is an absolute joke. These players using God as their reason is an absolute farce. And why can’t people just mind their business when it comes to love and their preferences? How is a gay couple hurting you over a straight couple? Stop all the hate and nonsense. I’m as straight as an arrow but I support this initiative 💯. Enough of the marginalization of communities that are in the minority. People got to stop being so afraid of things they don’t need to be afraid of. So Simone is gay? Who cares? Leave them be. No need for hate. I hope our one Russian player having a backwards a$$ law in his home country doesn’t derail the entire night.
  13. It’s a shame if they get in. They suck the life out of the sport. Biznasty is right when he says they don’t deserve to make the playoffs and hopes we get in. At least we will try and score.
  14. And suddenly we are back in it. If this streaky team can pull out an 8-2 stretch I think they sneak in. Crazy
  15. UPL with another win. Imagine him in arbitration. I had a winning record. Yeah ya did but only cuz we scored a stupid amount of goals for you. I can’t believe he’s a winning goalie. Unreal.
  16. Read this article about more offensive nhl where Donny was quoted The one thing I know for certain is that no one fears a defensive team," Buffalo Sabres head coach Don Granato said when asked about his overarching philosophy. "Coaches and teams have to strategize to put people on their heels when they know you can score, and that commands respect." But yes," Granato said of aggressively pursuing goals, "it is and will be a deliberate focus. Always. It's always been like that with my coaching. Guys want to score, and it's a lot more fun to watch. Fans want to be entertained. So from the outset, yes, a couple of years ago we were dead last in scoring in the NHL. Now we're very close to first in the NHL in scoring, just tiny percentage points away. And that's by design and by effort by our guys."
  17. Such a disappointment since trade deadline. Takes away the good feelings up to 58 games. Now we are gonna have this terrible taste again all summer. 😑
  18. My wife had her wheelchair stolen in Vegas once. Some drunk couple took it when her back was turned. For a joy ride. We’re they drunk? Yes. Should they have known better, yes. Security tracked it down but that’s because we were in a casino. What this kid did is disgusting. And being drunk or young isn’t an excuse. This isn’t on Danny, this is on those two pieces of crap. No matter how old you are, I think we can all agree it’s wrong. It’s not a stupid kid mistake. It’s blatant disregard for the person who’s disabled. His apology was weak and insincere. Should he be jailed? No. Should his punishment be community service in the disabled arena, yes. when it comes to messing with a disabled person, I have zero sympathy. They’ve got it f’ing hard enough already.
  19. He’s a plug
  20. I can’t believe the Canucks are now 5 pts behind Buffalo. They have no idea how to tank going 8-2 last 10. Maybe we luck out on Bedard
  21. This guy should not be playing. Jost offers way more.
  22. If pegula doesn’t care he should sell them.
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